.. _mmref-acknowledgements:
The Memory Management Reference is maintained by `Ravenbrook Limited`_.
.. _Ravenbrook Limited: http://ravenbrook.com/
Most of it was originally written by memory management experts in the
Adaptive Memory Management Group at `Harlequin Limited
* Nick Barnes
* Richard Brooksby
* David Jones
* David Lovemore
* Tony Mann
* Gavin Matthews
* Pekka P. Pirinen
* Richard Tucker
* P. T. Withington
Gavin Matthews was the original editor of the Memory Management
The Adaptive Memory Management Group no longer exists, and Harlequin
has become a part of `Global Graphics
<http://www.globalgraphics.com/>`_. However, most of the group's work
has been aquired by `Ravenbrook Limited`_, whose directors are Richard
Brooksby, the group's chief architect and manager, and Nick Barnes, a
senior group member.
Particular thanks go to Richard Jones for his enormously useful book
:ref:`The Garbage Collection Handbook <JONES12>`, and for his comments
on the Reference.
Many people have :ref:`made valuable suggestions <contact>` for the
Reference and contributed glossary entries. We are grateful for the
help of:
* Judy Anderson
* Giuseppe Attardi
* Daniel Barrett
* Leah Bateman
* Stephen Bevan
* Hans Boehm
* Hans Feldt
* Lars Hansen
* Anthony Hosking
* Paul Jackson
* Mark S. Johnstone
* Richard Kistruck
* Stavros Macrakis
* Gareth McCaughan
* David A. Moon
* Eliot Moss
* John S. Pieper
* Kent Pitman
* Andrew Shires
* Walter Spector
* Martin Simmons
* David Stoutamire
* Tom Thomson
* Mark Tillotson
* JonL White
* David S. Wise
* Benjamin Zorn