Welcome to the **Memory Management Reference**! This is a resource for programmers and computer scientists interested in :term:`memory management` and :term:`garbage collection`.
.. admonition:: :ref:`glossary`
A glossary of more than 500 :term:`memory management` terms, from
:term:`absolute address` to :term:`zero count table`.
.. image:: diagrams/treadmill.svg
:target: glossary_
.. _glossary: glossary/index.html#glossary
.. admonition:: :ref:`mmref-intro`
Articles giving a beginner's overview of :term:`memory
.. image:: diagrams/address.svg
:target: intro_
.. _intro: mmref/index.html#mmref-intro
.. admonition:: :ref:`bibliography`
Books and research papers related to :term:`memory management`.
.. image:: diagrams/copying.svg
:target: bib_
.. _bib: bib.html#bibliography
.. admonition:: :ref:`mmref-faq`
Frequently asked questions about :term:`memory management`.
.. image:: diagrams/snap-out.svg
:target: faq_
.. _faq: mmref/faq.html#mmref-faq
The Memory Management Reference is maintained by `Ravenbrook
Limited`_. We also maintain the `Memory Pool System`_ (an open-source,
thread-safe, :term:`incremental garbage collector <incremental garbage
collection>`), and we are happy to provide advanced :term:`memory
management` solutions to language and application developers through
our `consulting service`_.
.. _Ravenbrook Limited: http://www.ravenbrook.com/
.. _consulting service: http://www.ravenbrook.com/services/mm/
.. _Memory Pool System: http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/