Ravenbrook / Projects / Memory Pool System / Version 1.111 Product Sources / Design Documents

Memory Pool System Project

                           GUARDIAN POOLCLASS
                             incomplete doc
                             drj 1997-02-03


.readership: Any MPS developer.

.intro: This is the design of the Guardian PoolClass.  The Guardian PoolClass 
is part of the MPS.  The Guardian PoolClass is internal to the MPS (has no 
client interface) and is used to implement finalization.

.source: Some of the techniques in paper.dbe93 ("Guardians in a 
Generation-Based Garbage Collector") were used in this design.  Some analysis 
of this design (including various improvements and some more in-depth 
justification) is in analysis.mps.poolmrg.  That document should be understood 
before changing this document.

It is also helpful to look at design.mps.finalize and design.mps.message.


.goal.final: The Guardian Pool should support all requirements pertaining to 


.req: We have only one requirement pertaining to finalization:

req.dylan.fun.finalization: Support the Dylan language-level implementation of 
finalized objects: objects are registered, and are finalized in random order 
when they would otherwise have died.  Cycles are broken at random places.  
There is no guarantee of promptness.

.req.general: However, finalization is a very common piece of functionality 
that is provided by (sophisticated) memory managers, so we can expect other 
clients to request this sort of functionality.

.anti-req: Is it required that the Guardian Pool return unused segments to the 
arena? (PoolMFS does not do this) (PoolMRG will not do this in its initial 


.def.mrg: MRG: The Pool Class's identifier will be MRG.  This stands for 
"Manual Rank Guardian".  The pool is manually managed and implements guardians 
for references of a particular rank (currently just final).

.def.final.ref: final reference: A reference of rank final (see 

.def.final.object: finalizable object: An object is finalizable with respect to 
a final reference if, since the creation of that reference, there was a point 
in time when no references to the object of lower (that is, stronger) rank were 
reachable from a root.

.def.final.object.note: Note that this means an object can be finalizable even 
if it is now reachable from the root via exact references.  

.def.finalize: finalize: To finalize an object is to notify the client that the 
object is finalizable.  The client is presumed to be interested in this 
information (typically it will apply some method to the object).

.def.guardian: guardian: An object allocated in the Guardian Pool.  A guardian 
contains exactly one final reference, and some fields for the pool's internal 
use.  Guardians are used to implement a finalization mechanism.


.over: The Guardian Pool Class is a PoolClass in the MPS.  It is intended to 
provide the functionality of "finalization".

.over.internal: The Guardian PoolClass is internal to the MPM, it is not 
intended to have a client interface.  Clients are expected to access the 
functionality provided by this pool (finalization) using a separate MPS 
finalization interface (design.mps.finalize).

.over.one-size: The Guardian Pool manages objects of a single certain size, 
each object contains a single reference of rank final.

.over.one-size.justify: This is all that is necessary to meet our requirements 
for finalization.  Whenever an object is registered for finalization, it is 
sufficient to create a single reference of rank final to it.

.over.queue: A pool maintains a queue of live guardian objects, called (for 
historical reasons) the "entry" queue.  .over.queue.free: The pool also 
maintains a queue of free guardian objects called the "free" queue.  
.over.queue.exit.not: There used to be an "exit" queue, but this is now 
historical and there shouldn't be any current references to it. 

.over.alloc: When guardians are allocated, they are placed on the entry queue. 
Guardians on the entry queue refer to objects that have not yet been shown to 
be finalizable (either the object has references of lower rank than final to 
it, or the MPS has not yet got round to determining that the object is 
finalizable).  .over.message.create: When a guardian is discovered to refer to 
a finalizable object it is removed from the entry queue and becomes a message 
on the space's queue of messages.  .over.message.deliver: When the MPS client 
receives the message the message system arranges for the message to be 
destroyed and the pool reclaims the storage associated with the 

.over.scan: When the pool is scanned at rank final each reference will be 
fixed.  If the reference is to an object that was in old arena (before the 
fix), then the object must now be finalizable.  In this case the containing 
guardian will be removed from the entry queue and posted as a message.

.over.scan.justify: The scanning process is a crucial step necessary for 
implementing finalization.  It is the means by which the MPS detects that 
objects are finalizable.

.over.message: PoolClassMRG implements a MessageClass (see 
design.mps.message).  All the messages are of one MessageType.  This type is 
MessageTypeFinalization.  Messages are created when objects are discovered to 
be finalizable and destroyed when the MPS client has received the message.

.over.message.justify: Messages provide a means for the MPS to communicate with 
its client.  Notification of finalization is just such a communication.  
Messages allow the MPS to inform the client of finalization events when it is 
convenient for the MPS to do so (i.e. not in PageFault context).

.over.manual: Objects in the Guardian Pool are manually managed.  
.over.manual.alloc: They are allocated (by ArenaFinalize when objects are 
registered for finalization.  .over.manual.free: They are freed when the 
associated message is destroyed.
.over.manual.justify: The lifetime of a guardian object is very easy to 
determine so manual memory management is appropriate.


Object Registration

.protocol.register: There is a protocol by which objects can be registered for 
finalization.  This protocol is handled by the arena module on behalf of 
finalization.  see design.mps.finalize.int.finalize.

Finalizer Execution

.protocol.finalizer: If an object is proven to be finalizable then a message to 
this effect will eventually be posted.  A client can receive the message, 
determine what to do about it, and do it.  Typically this would involve calling 
the finalization method for the object, and deleting the message.  Once the 
message is deleted, the object may become recyclable.

Setup / Destroy

.protocol.life: An instance of PoolClassMRG is needed in order to support 
finalization, it is called the "final" pool and is attached to the arena (see 
design.mps.finalize.int.arena.struct).  .protocol.life.birth: The final pool is 
created lazily by ArenaFinalize.  .protocol.life.death: The final pool is 
destroyed during ArenaDestroy.



The guardian

.guardian.over: A guardian is an object used to manage the references and other 
datastructures that are used by the pool in order to keep track of which 
objects are registered for finalization, which ones have been finalized, and so 
on.  .guardian.state: A guardian can be in one of four states: 
.guardian.state.enum: The states are Free, Prefinal, Final, PostFinal (referred 
to as MRGGuardianFree, etc. in the implementation).  .guardian.state.free: The 
guardian is free, meaning that it is on the free list for the pool and 
available for allocation.  .guardian.state.prefinal: The guardian is allocated, 
and refers to an object that has not yet been discovered to be finalizable.  
.guardian.state.final: The guardian is allocated, and refers to an object that 
has been shown to be finalizable; this state corresponds to the existence of a 
message.  .guardian.state.postfinal: This state is only used briefly and is 
entirely internal to the pool; the guardian enters this state just after the 
associated message has been destroyed (which happens when the client receives 
the message) and will be freed immediately (whereupon it will enter the Free 
state).  This state is used for checking only (so that MRGFree can check that 
only guardians in this state are being freed).

.guardian.life-cycle: Guardians go through the following state life-cycle:

Free -> Prefinal -> Final -> Postfinal -> Free.

.guardian.two-part: A guardian is a structure consisting abstractly of a link 
part and a reference part.  Concretely, the link part will be a LinkPartStruct, 
and the reference part will be a Word.  The link part is used by the pool, the 
reference part forms the object visible to clients of the pool.  The reference 
part is the reference of Rank FINAL that refers to objects registered for 
finalization and is how the MPS detects finalizable objects.  
.guardian.two-part.union: The LinkPartStruct is a discriminated union of a 
RingStruct and a MessageStruct.  The RingStruct is used when the guardian is 
either Free or Prefinal.  The MessageStruct is used when the guardian is 
Final.  Neither part of the union is used when the guardian is in the Postfinal 
.guardian.two-part.justify: This may seem a little profligate with space, but 
this is okay as we are not required to make finalization extremely space 

.guardian.parts.separate: The two parts will be stored in separate segments.  
.guardian.parts.separate.justify: This is so that the data structures the pool 
uses to manage the objects can be separated from the objects themselves.  This 
avoids the pool having to manipulate data structures that are on shielded 
segments (analysis.mps.poolmrg.hazard.shield).

.guardian.assoc: The nth (from the beginning of the segment) ref part in one 
segment will correspond with the nth link part in another segment.  The 
association between the two segments will be managed by the additional fields 
in pool-specific segment subclasses (see .mrgseg).  .guardian.ref: Guardians 
that are either Prefinal or Final are live and have valid references (possibly 
NULL) in their ref parts.  Guardians that are free are dead and always have 
NULL in their ref parts (see .free.overwrite and .scan.free)  
.guardian.ref.free: When freeing an object, it is a pointer to the reference 
part that will be passed (internally in the pool).

.guardian.init: Guardians are initialized when the pool is grown 
(.alloc.grow).  The initial state has the ref part NULL and the link part is 
attached to the free ring.  Freeing an object returns a guardian to its initial 

The Pool structure, MRGStruct will have

.poolstruct.entry: the head of the entry queue.

.poolstruct.exit: the head of the exit queue.

.poolstruct.free: a free list.

.poolstruct.rings: The entry queue, the exit queue, and the free list will all 
use Rings.  Each Ring will be maintained using the link part of the guardian.  
.poolstruct.rings.justify: This is because Rings are convenient to use and are 
well tested.  It is possible to implement all three lists using a singly linked 
list, but the saving is certainly not worth making at this stage.

.poolstruct.refring: a ring of "ref" segments in use for links or messages (see 
.mrgseg.ref.mrgring below).

.poolstruct.extend: a precalculated extendby field (see .init.extend).  This 
value is used to determine how large a segment should be requested from the 
Arena for the reference part segment when the pool needs to grow (see 
.alloc.grow.size).  .poolstruct.extend.justify: Calculating a reasonable value 
for this once and remembering it simplifies the allocation (.alloc.grow).

.poolstruct.init: poolstructs are initialized once for each pool instance by 
MRGInit (.init).  The initial state has all the rings initialized to singleton 
rings, and the extendBy field initialized to some value (see .init.extend).


The pool defines two segment subclasses: MRGRefSegClass and MRGLinkSegClass. 
Segments of the former class will be used to store the ref parts of guardians, 
segments of the latter will be used to store the link parts of guardians (see 
.guardian.two-part). Segments are always allocated in pairs, with one of each 
class (by function MRGSegPairCreate).  Each segment contains a link to its pair.

.mrgseg.ref: MRGRefSegClass is a subclass of GCSegClass. Instances are of type 
MRGRefSeg, and contain: 

.mrgseg.ref.mrgring: a field for the ring of ref part segments in the pool.

.mrgseg.ref.linkseg: a pointer to the paired link segment.

.mrgseg.ref.grey: a set describing the greyness of the segment for each trace.

.mrgseg.ref.init: A segment is created and initialized once every time the pool 
is grown (.alloc.grow).  The initial state has the segment ring node 
initialized and attached to the pool's segment ring, the linkseg field points 
to the relevant link segment, the grey field is initialized such that the 
segment is not grey for all traces.

.mrgseg.link: MRGLinkSegClass is a subclass of SegClass. Instances are of type 
MRGLinkSeg, and contain: 

.mrgseg.link.refseg: a pointer to the paired ref segment. This may be NULL 
during initialization, while the pairing is being established.

.mrgseg.link.init: The initial state has the linkseg field pointing to the 
relevant ref segment.


.check: MRGCheck

  Will check the signatures, the class, and each field of the MRGStruct.  Each 
field is checked as being appropriate for its type.  .check.justify: There are 
no non-trivial invariants that can be easily checked.

.alloc: [these apply to MRGRegister now. - Pekka 1997-09-19]

.alloc.grow: If the free list is empty then two new segments will be allocated 
and the free list filled up from them (note that the reference fields of the 
new guardians will need to be overwritten with NULL, see .free.overwrite)  
.alloc.grow.size: The size of the reference part segment will be the pool's 
extendBy (.poolstruct.extend) value.  The link part segment will be whatever 
size is necessary to accommodate N link parts, where N is the number of 
reference parts that fit in the reference part segment.  

.alloc.error: If any of the requests for more resource (there are two; one for 
each of two segments) fail then the successful requests will be retracted and 
the result code from the failing request will be returned.

.alloc.pop: MRGAlloc will pop a ring node off the free list, and add it to the 
entry queue.

.free: MRGFree

  MRGFree will remove the guardian from the message queue and add it to the 
free list.  .free.push: The guardian will simply be added to the front of the 
free list (i.e. no keeping the free list in address order or anything like 
that).  .free.inadequate: No attempt will be made to return unused free 
segments to the Arena (although see analysis.mps.poolmrg.improve.free.* for 

  MRGFree also writes over the reference with NULL.  .free.overwrite.justify: 
This is so that when the segment is subsequently scanned (.scan.free), the 
reference that used to be in the object is not accidentally fixed.

.init: MRGInit

  Has to initialize the two queues, the free ring, the ref ring, and the 
extendBy field.  .init.extend: The extendBy field is initialized to one 
ArenaAlign() (usually a page).  .init.extend.justify: This is adequate as the 
pool is not expected to grow very quickly.

.finish: MRGFinish

  Iterate over all the segments, returning all the segments to the Arena.

.scan: MRGScan

.scan.trivial: Scan will do nothing (i.e. return immediately) if the tracing 
rank is anything other than final.  [This optimization is missing.  
impl.c.trace.scan.conservative is not a problem because there are no faults on 
these segs, because there are no references into them.  But that's why 
TraceScan can't do it.  - Pekka 1997-09-19]  .scan.trivial.justify:  If the 
rank is lower than final then scanning is detrimental, it will only delay 
finalization.  If the rank is higher than final there is nothing to do, the 
pool only contains final references.

.scan.guardians: Scan will iterate over all guardians in the segment.  Every 
guardian's reference will be fixed (.scan.free: note that guardians that are on 
the free list have NULL in their reference part).  .scan.wasold: If the object 
referred to had not been fixed previously (i.e. was unmarked) then the object 
is not referenced by a reference of a lower rank (than FINAL) and hence is 
finalizable.  .scan.finalize: The guardian will be finalized.  This entails 
moving the guardian from state Prefinal to Final; it is removed from the entry 
queue and initialized as a message and posted on the arena's message queue.  
.scan.finalize.idempotent: In fact this will only happen if the guardian has 
not already been finalized (which is determined by examining the state of the 

.scan.unordered: Because scanning occurs a segment at a time, the order in 
which objects are finalized is "random" (it cannot be predicted by considering 
only the references between objects registered for finalization).  See 
analysis.mps.poolmrg.improve.semantics for how this can be improved.  
.scan.unordered.justify: Unordered finalization is all that is required.

(see analysis.mps.poolmrg.improve.scan.nomove for a suggested improvement that 
avoids redundant unlinking and relinking).

.describe: MRGDescribe

  Will print out the usual blurb.
  Will iterate along each of the entry and exit queues and printout the 
guardians in each.  The location of the guardian and the value of the reference 
in it will be printed out.

.functions.unused: BufferInit, BufferFill, BufferEmpty, BufferFinish, 
TraceBegin, Condemn, Fix, Reclaim, TraceEnd, Benefit.

  All of these will be unused.

.functions.trivial: The Grey method of the pool class will be PoolTrivGrey, 
this pool has no further bookkeeping to perform for grey segments.


.trans.no-finish: The MRG pool does not trouble itself to tidy up its internal 
rings properly when being destroyed.

.trans.free-seg: No attempt is made to release free segments to the arena.  A 
suggested strategy for this is as follows:
  - Add a count of free guardians to each segment, and maintain it in 
appropriate places.
  - Add a free segment ring to the pool.
  - In MRGRefSegScan, if the segment is entirely free, don't scan it, but 
instead detach its links from the free ring, and move the segment to the free 
segment ring.
  - At some appropriate point (such as the end of MRGAlloc), destroy free 
  - In MRGAlloc, if there are no free guardians, check the free segment ring 
before creating a new pair of segments.
Note that this algorithm would give some slight measure of segment hysteresis.  
It is not the place of the pool to support general segment hysteresis.


.future.array: In future, for speed or simplicity, this pool could be rewritten 
to use an array.  See mail.gavinm.1997-09-04.13-08(0).


.test: [This section is utterly out of date. -- Pekka 1997-09-19] The test 
impl.c.finalcv is similar to the weakness test (see design.mps.weakness, 
impl.c.weakcv [???]).


  This is the functionality to be tested:

  .fun.alloc: Can allocate objects.

  .fun.free: Can free objects that were allocated.

  .prot.write: Can write a reference into an allocated object.

  .prot.read: Can read the reference from an allocated object.

  .promise.faithful: A reference stored in an allocated object will continue to 
refer to the same object.

  .promise.live: A reference stored in an allocated object will preserve the 
object referred to.

  .promise.unreachable: Any objects referred to in finalization messages are 
not (at the time of reading the message) reachable via a chain of ambiguous or 
exact references.  (we will not be able to test this at first as there is no 
messaging interface)

  .promise.try: The Pool will make a "good faith" effort to finalize objects 
that are not reachable via a chain of ambiguous or exact references.


  The following attributes will be tested:

.attr.none: There are no attribute requirements.


[New test]
new test will simply allocate a number of objects in the AMC pool and finalize 
each one, throwing away the reference to the objects.  Churn.

  .test.mpm: The test will use the MPM interface (impl.h.mpm).  
.test.mpm.justify: This is because it is not intended to provide an MPS 
interface to this pool directly, and the MPS interface to finalization has not 
been written yet (impl.h.mps).  .test.mpm.change: Later on it may use the MPS 
interface, in which case, where the following text refers to allocating objects 
in the MRG pool it will need adjusting.

  .test.two-pools: The test will use two pools, an AMC pool, and an MRG pool.

  .test.alloc: A number of objects will be allocated in the MRG pool.  
.test.free: They will then be freed.  This will test .fun.alloc and .fun.free, 
although not very much.

  .test.rw.a: An object, 'A', will be allocated in the AMC pool, a reference to 
it will be kept in a root.  .test.rw.alloc: A number of objects will be 
allocated in the MRG pool.  .test.rw.write: A reference to A will be written 
into each object.  .test.rw.read: The reference in each object will be read and 
checked to see if it refers to A.  .test.rw.free: All the objects will be 
freed.  .test.rw.drop: The reference to A will be dropped.  This will test 
.prot.write and .prot.read.

  .test.promise.fl.alloc: A number of objects will be allocated in the AMC 
pool.  .test.promise.fl.tag: Each object will be tagged uniquely.  
.test.promise.fl.refer: a reference to it will be stored in an object allocated 
in the MRG pool.  .test.promise.fl.churn: A large amount of garbage will be 
allocated in the AMC pool.  Regularly, whilst this garbage is being allocated, 
a check will be performed that all the objects allocated in the MRG pool refer 
to valid objects and that they still refer to the same objects.  All objects 
from the MRG pool will then be freed (thus dropping all references to the AMC 
objects).  This will test .promise.faithful and .promise.live.

  .test.promise.ut.not: The following part of the test has not implemented.  
This is because the messaging system has not yet been implemented.
  .test.promise.ut.alloc: A number of objects will be allocated in the AMC 
pool.  .test.promise.ut.refer: Each object will be referred to by a root and 
also referred to by an object allocated in the MRG pool.  .test.promise.ut.drop
: References to a random selection of the objects from the AMC pool will be 
deleted from the root.  .test.promise.ut.churn: A large amount of garbage will 
be allocated in the AMC pool.  .test.promise.ut.message: The message interface 
will be used to receive finalization messages.  .test.promise.ut.final.check: 
For each finalization message received it will check that the object referenced 
in the message is not referred to in the root.  .test.promise.ut.nofinal.check: 
After some amount of garbage has been allocated it will check to see if any 
objects are not in the root and haven't been finalized.  This will test 
.promise.unreachable and .promise.try.


.access.inadequate: PoolAccess will scan segments at Rank Exact.  Really it 
should be scanned at whatever the minimum rank of all grey segments is (the 
trace rank phase), however there is no way to find this out.  As a consequence 
we will sometimes scan pages at Rank exact when the pages could have been 
scanned at Rank final.  This means that finalization of some objects may 
sometimes get delayed.

A. References

B. Document History

2002-06-07 RB Converted from MMInfo database design document.