"""Sphinx theme specific highlighting styles."""
from pygments.style import Style
from pygments.styles.friendly import FriendlyStyle
from pygments.token import (Comment, Error, Generic, Keyword, Name, Number, Operator, String,
class NoneStyle(Style):
"""Style without any styling."""
class SphinxStyle(Style):
Like friendly, but a bit darker to enhance contrast on the green
background_color = '#eeffcc'
default_style = ''
styles = FriendlyStyle.styles
Generic.Output: '#333',
Comment: 'italic #408090',
Number: '#208050',
class PyramidStyle(Style):
Pylons/pyramid pygments style based on friendly style, by Blaise Laflamme.
# work in progress...
background_color = "#f8f8f8"
default_style = ""
styles = {
Whitespace: "#bbbbbb",
Comment: "italic #60a0b0",
Comment.Preproc: "noitalic #007020",
Comment.Special: "noitalic bg:#fff0f0",
Keyword: "bold #007020",
Keyword.Pseudo: "nobold",
Keyword.Type: "nobold #902000",
Operator: "#666666",
Operator.Word: "bold #007020",
Name.Builtin: "#007020",
Name.Function: "#06287e",
Name.Class: "bold #0e84b5",
Name.Namespace: "bold #0e84b5",
Name.Exception: "#007020",
Name.Variable: "#bb60d5",
Name.Constant: "#60add5",
Name.Label: "bold #002070",
Name.Entity: "bold #d55537",
Name.Attribute: "#0e84b5",
Name.Tag: "bold #062873",
Name.Decorator: "bold #555555",
String: "#4070a0",
String.Doc: "italic",
String.Interpol: "italic #70a0d0",
String.Escape: "bold #4070a0",
String.Regex: "#235388",
String.Symbol: "#517918",
String.Other: "#c65d09",
Number: "#40a070",
Generic.Heading: "bold #000080",
Generic.Subheading: "bold #800080",
Generic.Deleted: "#A00000",
Generic.Inserted: "#00A000",
Generic.Error: "#FF0000",
Generic.Emph: "italic",
Generic.Strong: "bold",
Generic.Prompt: "bold #c65d09",
Generic.Output: "#888",
Generic.Traceback: "#04D",
Error: "#a40000 bg:#fbe3e4"