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Lexer for Typographic Number Theory.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
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Lexer for Typographic Number Theory, as described in the book
Gödel, Escher, Bach, by Douglas R. Hofstadter
.. versionadded:: 2.7
zTypographic Number Theoryz,https://github.com/Kenny2github/language-tntZtntz*.tntu ââ]&â§^|â¨Vvu +.â
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ax (?xi)
joining | separation | double-tilde | fantasy\ rule
| carry[- ]over(?:\ of)?(?:\ line)?\ ([0-9]+) | detachment
| contrapositive | De\ Morgan | switcheroo
| specification | generalization | interchange
| existence | symmetry | transitivity
| add\ S | drop\ S | induction
| axiom\ ([1-5]) | premise | push | pop
z((?:[0-9]+)(?:(?:, ?|,? and )(?:[0-9]+))*z\[[^\n\]]+\]c O s t j| f|| g | _d S )N)r Ú__init__Úcur)ÚselfÚargsÚkwargs© r ú7/tmp/pip-build-gk9425m9/Pygments/pygments/lexers/tnt.pyr