id = $Id$
summary = low-memory reservoir tests with commit limit, part I
language = c
harness = 2.1
link = testlib.o rankfmt.o
lim0 = 0
avail0 = 0
lim1 > 5000000
lim1 < 6000000
deficit1 = 0
lim2 > 1045
lim2 < 32768
deficit2 = 0
deficit3 > 8000000
spill3 <= 0
spill4 <= 0
grow4 > 500000
allocfail < 20
failres = COMMIT_LIMIT
spill5 <= 0
grow5 = 0
avail5 > 1500000
allocfail2 > 5000
failres2 = COMMIT_LIMIT
shrink6 > 1000000
spill6 <= 0
completed = yes
#include "testlib.h"
#include "mpscamc.h"
#include "mpsavm.h"
#include "rankfmt.h"
#define ARENA_SIZE ((size_t) 1024*1024*30)
#define genCOUNT (3)
static mps_gen_param_s testChain[genCOUNT] = {
{ 6000, 0.90 }, { 8000, 0.65 }, { 16000, 0.50 } };
void *stackpointer;
static void test(void)
mps_arena_t arena;
mps_pool_t poolamc;
mps_thr_t thread;
mps_root_t root;
mps_fmt_t format;
mps_chain_t chain;
mps_ap_t apamc;
mycell *p, *q;
int i;
mps_res_t res;
size_t lim0, avail0, lim1, avail1, commit1, lim2, avail2, commit2;
size_t lim3, avail3, commit3, lim4, avail4, commit4;
size_t lim5, avail5, commit5, lim6, avail6, commit6;
cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), ARENA_SIZE),
"create arena");
cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread");
cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread,
mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0),
"create stack root");
cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format");
cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create");
die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain),
"create pool");
mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()),
"create ap");
report("lim0", "%d", lim0 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena));
report("avail0", "%d", avail0 = mps_reservoir_available(arena));
mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, (size_t) 0);
mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, (size_t) (5ul*1024*1024));
report("lim1", "%d", lim1 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena));
report("avail1", "%d", avail1 = mps_reservoir_available(arena));
report("commit1", "%d", commit1 = arena_committed_and_used(arena));
report("deficit1", "%d", lim1-avail1);
mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, (size_t) (1045));
report("lim2", "%d", lim2 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena));
report("avail2", "%d", avail2 = mps_reservoir_available(arena));
report("commit2", "%d", commit2 = arena_committed_and_used(arena));
report("deficit2", "%d", lim2-avail2);
/* set commit limit to whatever is currently committed plus 1 MB */
mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, arena_committed_and_used(arena)+1024*1024);
mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, (size_t) (10ul*1024*1024));
report("lim3", "%d", lim3 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena));
report("avail3", "%d", avail3 = mps_reservoir_available(arena));
report("commit3", "%d", commit3 = arena_committed_and_used(arena));
report("deficit3", "%d", lim3-avail3);
report("spill3", "%d", commit3-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena));
/* now raise it by 1/2 MB -- reservoir should grow */
mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, arena_committed_and_used(arena)+512*1024);
report("lim4", "%d", lim4 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena));
report("avail4", "%d", avail4 = mps_reservoir_available(arena));
report("commit4", "%d", commit4 = arena_committed_and_used(arena));
report("grow4", "%d", avail4-avail3);
report("spill4", "%d", commit4-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena));
/* try some allocation -- more than a small amount should fail */
i = -1;
p = NULL;
res = MPS_RES_OK;
while (res == MPS_RES_OK) {
res = allocrone(&q, apamc, 10, mps_rank_exact());
if (res == MPS_RES_OK) {
setref(q, 0, p);
p = q;
report("allocfail", "%d", i);
report_res("failres", res);
/* available shouldn't have changed since before allocation */
report("lim5", "%d", lim5 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena));
report("avail5", "%d", avail5 = mps_reservoir_available(arena));
report("commit5", "%d", commit5 = arena_committed_and_used(arena));
report("grow5", "%d", avail5-avail4);
report("spill5", "%d", commit5-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena));
/* try some allocation from reservoir -- not much should fail */
i = -1;
res = MPS_RES_OK;
while (res == MPS_RES_OK) {
res = reservoir_allocrone(&q, apamc, 10, mps_rank_exact());
if (res == MPS_RES_OK) {
setref(q, 0, p);
p = q;
report("allocfail2", "%d", i);
report_res("failres2", res);
/* available should have changed now */
report("lim6", "%d", lim6 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena));
report("avail6", "%d", avail6 = mps_reservoir_available(arena));
report("commit6", "%d", commit6 = arena_committed_and_used(arena));
report("spill6", "%d", commit6-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena));
report("shrink6", "%d", avail5-avail6);
comment("Destroyed arena.");
int main(void)
void *m;
stackpointer=&m; /* hack to get stack pointer */
report("completed", "yes");
return 0;