.. _glossary-b:
Memory Management Glossary: B
.. include:: alphabet.txt
.. glossary::
backing store
Backing :term:`store (2)` is typically part of a hard disk
that is used by a :term:`paging` or :term:`swapping` system to
store information not currently in :term:`main memory`.
Backing store is slower and cheaper than main memory.
Other :term:`storage <memory (1)>` may, less commonly, be used
in place of a hard disk (for instance, magnetic tape, floppy
disk, or historically, magnetic drum).
In general, backing store may mean any locations used to store
information when its preferred or natural location is
otherwise being used: for example, memory used by a graphical
interface to keep a copy of the contents of obscured windows.
.. similar:: :term:`swap space`.
barrier (1)
A barrier is a block on reading from or writing to certain
:term:`memory (2)` :term:`locations <memory location>` by
certain threads or processes.
Barriers can be implemented in either software or hardware.
Software barriers involve additional instructions around
:term:`load` or :term:`store (1)` operations, which would
typically be added by a cooperative compiler. Hardware
barriers don't require compiler support, and may be
implemented on common operating systems by using :term:`memory
.. relevance::
Barriers are used for :term:`incremental <incremental
garbage collection>` or :term:`concurrent <parallel
garbage collection>` :term:`garbage collection`.
.. seealso:: :term:`read barrier`, :term:`write barrier`.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Pirinen (1998) <PIRINEN98>`, :ref:`Zorn (1990) <ZORN90>`.
barrier (2)
A memory barrier is an instruction on certain processor
architectures that will ensure certain guarantees about the
order of accesses to memory.
Some processor architectures make very few guarantees about
the relative orders of :term:`load` and :term:`store (1)`
operations in the instruction stream and the actual order of
accesses to :term:`main memory`. These architectures will
often have special instructions that make stronger guarantees.
For example, the ARM has the ``DMB`` (Data Memory Barrier)
It ensures that all explicit memory accesses that appear
in program order before the DMB instruction are observed
before any explicit memory accesses that appear in program
order after the DMB instruction.
These instructions are vital for certain synchronization
barrier hit
.. see:: :term:`protection fault`.
base pointer
A *base pointer* is a :term:`pointer` to the base or start of
an :term:`object`.
This term is commonly used in opposition to :term:`derived
Note that :ref:`Boehm & Chase (1992) <BC92A>` define "base
pointer" to be "any pointer value directly recognizable by the
:term:`collector (1)`", and this may well include
:term:`interior pointers`.
.. opposite:: :term:`derived pointer`.
.. mps:specific::
For objects with :term:`in-band headers`, the MPS
distinguishes between the base pointer, which points to
the start of the header, and the :term:`client pointer`,
which points to the first word after the end of the
best fit
The :term:`allocation policy` that always allocates from the
smallest suitable :term:`free block`. Suitable
:term:`allocation mechanisms` include :term:`sequential fit`
searching for a :term:`perfect fit`, :term:`first fit` on a
size-ordered :term:`free block chain`, :term:`segregated
fits`, and :term:`indexed fits`. Many :term:`good fit`
allocators are also described as :term:`best fit`.
In theory, best fit may exhibit bad :term:`fragmentation`, but
in practice this is not commonly observed.
.. seealso:: :term:`allocation policy`, :term:`first fit`, :term:`sequential fit`.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Wilson et al. (1995) <WIL95>`.
.. aka:: *big bag of pages*.
BIBOP, or *BIg Bag Of Pages*, is a technique that encodes
:term:`object` type in the high-order bits of their
:term:`address`, by using a lookup table that maps from those
bits to a type.
Despite the name, the blocks involved need not be the size of
a :term:`page`.
BIBOP requires storing only objects of the same type in a
block, but this has the same advantages as :term:`segregated
fits` in general.
.. historical::
This technique was invented for the PDP-10 MACLISP by JonL
White and Stavros Macrakis. It was an advance on earlier
techniques that divided the :term:`address space` into
contiguous blocks for each type.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Baker (1979) <BAKER79>`, :ref:`Steele (1977) <STEELE77>`.
big bag of pages
.. see:: :term:`BIBOP`.
binary buddies
The most common :term:`buddy system` :term:`allocation
mechanism`, in which all block sizes are a power of two.
Finding a block's buddy is then a matter of flipping the
appropriate bit in the block's address.
:term:`Internal fragmentation` is usually high, because
objects are often not a good fit for power-of-two sized
.. seealso:: :term:`buddy system`, :term:`allocation mechanism`.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Wilson et al. (1995) <WIL95>`.
bit array
.. see:: :term:`bitmap`.
bit table
.. see:: :term:`bitmap`.
bit vector
.. see:: :term:`bitmap`.
.. aka:: *bit array*, *bit table*, *bit vector*, *bitset*.
A table of bits.
.. relevance::
Bitmaps are sometimes used to represent the marks in a
:term:`mark-sweep` collector (see :term:`bitmap marking`),
or the used memory in a :term:`bitmapped fits`
bitmap marking
In :term:`mark-sweep` collectors, bitmap marking is a
technique for :term:`marking` objects that stores the mark
bits for the objects in a contiguous range of memory in a
separate :term:`bitmap`. This improves the collector's
:term:`locality of reference` and cache performance, because
it avoids setting the :term:`dirty bit` on the :term:`pages`
containing the marked objects.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Zorn (1989) <ZORN89>`.
bitmapped fit
A class of :term:`allocation mechanisms` that use a
:term:`bitmap` to represent the usage of the :term:`heap`.
Each bit in the map corresponds to a part of the heap,
typically a :term:`word`, and is set if that part is in use.
Allocation is done by searching the bitmap for a run of clear
Bitmapped fit mechanisms have good :term:`locality of
reference`, as they avoid examining :term:`in-band headers`
when allocating.
.. seealso:: :term:`allocation mechanism`, :term:`sequential fit`, :term:`indexed fit`.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Wilson et al. (1995) <WIL95>`.
A :term:`bitmap` used to select or exclude a set of bits in
another bitmap.
.. see:: :term:`bitmap`.
In a :term:`tri-color marking` scheme, black :term:`objects`
are objects that have been :term:`scanned <scan>`.
More precisely, black objects have been noted
:term:`reachable` and the :term:`collector (2)` has finished
with them and need not visit them again (for the purposes of
:term:`tracing <trace>`).
.. opposite:: :term:`white`, :term:`gray`.
A :term:`conservative garbage collector <conservative garbage
collection>` can be made more effective by *blacklisting*
values which resemble :term:`addresses` that may be
:term:`allocated` at in the future, but are known not to be
:term:`pointers` . This list is then used to avoid allocation
at those addresses.
For example, such values can be gathered by scanning the
:term:`roots` before any :term:`objects` have been allocated.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Boehm (1993) <BOEHM93>`.
Block is a vague term for an (often contiguous) area of
:term:`memory (1)`. Often used to describe :term:`memory (2)`
:term:`allocated` by an :term:`allocator` such as
.. mps:specific::
The term *block* is used as a general term for a unit of
allocation, with *object* being reserved for
:term:`formatted objects`.
bounds error
.. see:: :term:`overwriting error`.
Boxed :term:`objects` are represented by a :term:`pointer` to
a :term:`block` of :term:`memory (2)` that contains the object
data. Sometimes the pointer is :term:`tagged <tag>` to
distinguish it from an :term:`unboxed` object, or to represent
its type. Only the pointer is duplicated when the object is
passed around, so updates to the object are reflected
.. opposite:: :term:`unboxed`.
.. seealso:: :term:`tag`, :term:`BIBOP`.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Gudeman (1993) <GUDEMAN93>`.
A break-table is a data structure used by a
:term:`mark-compact` collector to store the :term:`relocation`
.. seealso:: :term:`mark-compact`.
``brk`` is a Unix system call that sets the limit of the data
segment. This limit is known as the *break*.
The :term:`C` library implementation of :term:`malloc` usually
:term:`allocates` :term:`memory (2)` for the
:term:`heap` by extending the data segment using ``brk`` or
Most implementations of ``malloc`` never shrink the data
segment, so the memory usage of a process never decreases. In
most Unix systems, the data segment resides immediately above
the program code (text segment) in the :term:`address space`.
.. figure:: ../diagrams/brk.svg
:align: center
:alt: Diagram: A simplified view of the address space of a Unix process.
A simplified view of the address space of a Unix process.
broken heart
:term:`Copying garbage collectors <copying garbage
collection>` :term:`move <moving garbage collector>`
:term:`reachable` :term:`objects` into another
:term:`semi-space`. They leave a :term:`forwarding pointer` in
the old :term:`location <memory location>`, pointing to the
new. The object at the old location is known as a broken
.. similar:: :term:`forwarding pointer`.
In a :term:`generational garbage collector <generational
garbage collection>`, it is often desirable to divide
:term:`generations` by the age of the
:term:`object`. These divisions are known as buckets.
.. seealso:: :term:`generational garbage collection`, :term:`aging space`, :term:`creation space`.
buddy system
Buddy systems are a subclass of :term:`strict segregated fit`
:term:`allocation mechanisms` which
make :term:`splitting <split>` and :term:`coalescing
<coalesce>` fast by pairing each block with a unique adjacent
*buddy* block.
There is an array of :term:`free lists`, one for
each allowable block size. Allocation rounds up the requested
size to an allowable size and allocates from the corresponding
free list. If the free list is empty, a larger block is
selected and split. A block may only be split into a pair of
A block may only be coalesced with its buddy, and this is only
possible if the buddy has not been split into smaller blocks.
The advantage of buddy systems is that the buddy of a block
being freed can be quickly found by a simple address
computation. The disadvantage of buddy systems is that the
restricted set of block sizes leads to high :term:`internal
fragmentation`, as does the limited ability to coalesce.
Different sorts of buddy system are distinguished by the
available block sizes and the method of splitting. They
include :term:`binary buddies` (the most common),
:term:`Fibonacci buddies`, :term:`weighted buddies`, and
:term:`double buddies`.
.. seealso:: :term:`allocation mechanism`, :term:`segregated free lists`, :term:`segregated fit`, :term:`strict segregated fit`.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Wilson et al. (1995) <WIL95>`.
A *buffer* is a large :term:`block` of :term:`memory (2)` from
which blocks are :term:`allocated` contiguously, as a simple
technique for fast :term:`allocation <allocate>`.
By keeping only a *high-water* mark (that is, a
:term:`pointer` to the start of unused memory), the buffer
technique avoids expensive :term:`in-band headers` and the
searching of :term:`free block chains`. Buffers tend to,
however, lead to :term:`external fragmentation`.
.. bibref:: :ref:`Appel et al. (1988) <AEL88>`.
.. mps:specific::
Buffers are implemented using :term:`allocation points`
attached to :term:`pools`.
bus error
Strictly speaking, *a bus error* is a fault on a hardware bus,
such as when an invalid :term:`address` is issued.
Generally, any hardware exception caused by a :term:`memory
(2)` access (for example, :term:`loading <load>` an
:term:`unaligned` :term:`word`) is termed a *bus error*. The
term is often used more loosely as a synonym for any memory
access error.
.. seealso:: :term:`segmentation violation`.
byte (1)
A unit of storage measurement, equal to 8 bits.
It does not matter how the bits are arranged: a byte is just a
This is the sense of byte used in the terms :term:`kilobyte`,
:term:`megabyte`, :term:`gigabyte`, :term:`terabyte`, etc. The
prefixes in these terms derive from the SI prefixes for powers
of 1000, but since powers of two are much more common in
binary computers, they are used to denote powers of 1024 (2\
.. seealso:: :term:`word`.
byte (2)
A data type defined by a processor architecture.
For example, the smallest :term:`addressable <address>`
:term:`memory location` on the Intel x86 family is the 8-bit
.. historical::
The PDP-10 had 36-bit :term:`words`, and defined "byte" to
be a general sub-:term:`word` bit-field: compare
:term:`byte (3)`. On this machine it was commonplace for
characters to be packed four or five to a word using 9- or
7-bit bytes respectively.
.. seealso:: :term:`word`.
byte (3)
A contiguous set of bits used to represent a range of values
The number of bits in a byte is a measure of the information
content of the byte. An *n*-bit byte can represent 2\ :sup:`n`
distinct values.
Bytes may be packed into (or otherwise stored in bit-fields
of) integers, words, or other aligned values for space
byte (4)
A data type or storage unit defined by a programming language.
In ANSI/ISO :term:`C`, "the unit of data storage large enough
to hold the basic character set of the execution environment".
In this sense, it is often used synonymously with the C type
``char``. C defines ``sizeof(char)`` to be 1. Many
architectures that run C programs equate this sense of byte
and :term:`byte (2)`.