* $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/custom/cet/branch/2016-09-13/job004006/code/poolamc.c#1 $
* Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Ravenbrook Limited. See end of file for license.
* Portions copyright (C) 2002 Global Graphics Software.
* .sources: <design/poolamc/>.
#include "mpscamc.h"
#include "locus.h"
#include "bt.h"
#include "mpm.h"
#include "nailboard.h"
SRCID(poolamc, "$Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/custom/cet/branch/2016-09-13/job004006/code/poolamc.c#1 $");
typedef struct AMCStruct *AMC;
typedef struct amcGenStruct *amcGen;
/* Function returning TRUE if block in nailboarded segment is pinned. */
typedef Bool (*amcPinnedFunction)(AMC amc, Nailboard board, Addr base, Addr limit);
/* forward declarations */
static Bool amcSegHasNailboard(Seg seg);
static Nailboard amcSegNailboard(Seg seg);
static Bool AMCCheck(AMC amc);
static Res AMCFix(Pool pool, ScanState ss, Seg seg, Ref *refIO);
/* local class declations */
typedef AMC AMCZPool;
#define AMCZPoolCheck AMCCheck
DECLARE_CLASS(Pool, AMCZPool, AbstractSegBufPool);
typedef AMC AMCPool;
DECLARE_CLASS(Buffer, amcBuf, SegBuf);
DECLARE_CLASS(Seg, amcSeg, GCSeg);
/* amcGenStruct -- pool AMC generation descriptor */
#define amcGenSig ((Sig)0x519A3C9E) /* SIGnature AMC GEn */
typedef struct amcGenStruct {
PoolGenStruct pgen;
RingStruct amcRing; /* link in list of gens in pool */
Buffer forward; /* forwarding buffer */
Sig sig; /* <code/misc.h#sig> */
} amcGenStruct;
#define amcGenAMC(amcgen) MustBeA(AMCZPool, (amcgen)->pgen.pool)
#define amcGenPool(amcgen) ((amcgen)->pgen.pool)
#define amcGenNr(amcgen) ((amcgen)->pgen.nr)
#define RAMP_RELATION(X) \
X(RampOUTSIDE, "outside ramp") \
X(RampBEGIN, "begin ramp") \
X(RampRAMPING, "ramping") \
X(RampFINISH, "finish ramp") \
X(RampCOLLECTING, "collecting ramp")
#define RAMP_ENUM(e, s) e,
enum {
#undef RAMP_ENUM
/* amcSegStruct -- AMC-specific fields appended to GCSegStruct
* .seg.accounted-as-buffered: The "accountedAsBuffered" flag is TRUE
* if the segment has an atached buffer and is accounted against the
* pool generation's bufferedSize. But note that if this is FALSE, the
* segment might still have an attached buffer -- this happens if the
* segment was condemned while the buffer was attached.
* .seg.old: The "old" flag is TRUE if the segment has been collected
* at least once, and so its size is accounted against the pool
* generation's oldSize.
* .seg.deferred: The "deferred" flag is TRUE if its size accounting
* in the pool generation has been deferred. This is set if the
* segment was created in ramping mode (and so we don't want it to
* contribute to the pool generation's newSize and so provoke a
* collection via TracePoll), and by hash array allocations (where we
* don't want the allocation to provoke a collection that makes the
* location dependency stale immediately).
typedef struct amcSegStruct *amcSeg;
#define amcSegSig ((Sig)0x519A3C59) /* SIGnature AMC SeG */
typedef struct amcSegStruct {
GCSegStruct gcSegStruct; /* superclass fields must come first */
amcGen gen; /* generation this segment belongs to */
Nailboard board; /* nailboard for this segment or NULL if none */
Size forwarded[TraceLIMIT]; /* size of objects forwarded for each trace */
BOOLFIELD(accountedAsBuffered); /* .seg.accounted-as-buffered */
BOOLFIELD(old); /* .seg.old */
BOOLFIELD(deferred); /* .seg.deferred */
Sig sig; /* <code/misc.h#sig> */
} amcSegStruct;
static Bool amcSegCheck(amcSeg amcseg)
CHECKS(amcSeg, amcseg);
CHECKD(GCSeg, &amcseg->gcSegStruct);
CHECKU(amcGen, amcseg->gen);
if (amcseg->board) {
CHECKD(Nailboard, amcseg->board);
CHECKL(SegNailed(MustBeA(Seg, amcseg)) != TraceSetEMPTY);
/* CHECKL(BoolCheck(amcseg->accountedAsBuffered)); <design/type/#bool.bitfield.check> */
/* CHECKL(BoolCheck(amcseg->old)); <design/type/#bool.bitfield.check> */
/* CHECKL(BoolCheck(amcseg->deferred)); <design/type/#bool.bitfield.check> */
return TRUE;
/* AMCSegInit -- initialise an AMC segment */
ARG_DEFINE_KEY(amc_seg_gen, Pointer);
#define amcKeySegGen (&_mps_key_amc_seg_gen)
static Res AMCSegInit(Seg seg, Pool pool, Addr base, Size size, ArgList args)
amcGen amcgen;
amcSeg amcseg;
Res res;
ArgStruct arg;
ArgRequire(&arg, args, amcKeySegGen);
amcgen = arg.val.p;
/* Initialize the superclass fields first via next-method call */
res = NextMethod(Seg, amcSeg, init)(seg, pool, base, size, args);
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
amcseg = CouldBeA(amcSeg, seg);
amcseg->gen = amcgen;
amcseg->board = NULL;
amcseg->accountedAsBuffered = FALSE;
amcseg->old = FALSE;
amcseg->deferred = FALSE;
SetClassOfPoly(seg, CLASS(amcSeg));
amcseg->sig = amcSegSig;
AVERC(amcSeg, amcseg);
return ResOK;
/* AMCSegSketch -- summarise the segment state for a human reader
* Write a short human-readable text representation of the segment
* state into storage indicated by pbSketch+cbSketch.
* A typical sketch is "bGW_", meaning the seg has a nailboard, has
* some Grey and some White objects, and has no buffer attached.
static void AMCSegSketch(Seg seg, char *pbSketch, size_t cbSketch)
Buffer buffer;
AVER(cbSketch >= 5);
if(SegNailed(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY) {
pbSketch[0] = 'm'; /* mobile */
} else if (amcSegHasNailboard(seg)) {
pbSketch[0] = 'b'; /* boarded */
} else {
pbSketch[0] = 's'; /* stuck */
if(SegGrey(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY) {
pbSketch[1] = '_';
} else {
pbSketch[1] = 'G'; /* Grey */
if(SegWhite(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY) {
pbSketch[2] = '_';
} else {
pbSketch[2] = 'W'; /* White */
if (!SegBuffer(&buffer, seg)) {
pbSketch[3] = '_';
} else {
Bool mut = BufferIsMutator(buffer);
Bool flipped = ((buffer->mode & BufferModeFLIPPED) != 0);
Bool trapped = BufferIsTrapped(buffer);
Bool limitzeroed = (buffer->ap_s.limit == 0);
pbSketch[3] = 'X'; /* I don't know what's going on! */
if((flipped == trapped) && (trapped == limitzeroed)) {
if(mut) {
if(flipped) {
pbSketch[3] = 's'; /* stalo */
} else {
pbSketch[3] = 'n'; /* neo */
} else {
if(!flipped) {
pbSketch[3] = 'f'; /* forwarding */
} else {
/* I don't know what's going on! */
pbSketch[4] = '\0';
AVER(4 < cbSketch);
/* AMCSegDescribe -- describe the contents of a segment
* See <design/poolamc/#seg-describe>.
static Res AMCSegDescribe(Inst inst, mps_lib_FILE *stream, Count depth)
amcSeg amcseg = CouldBeA(amcSeg, inst);
Seg seg = CouldBeA(Seg, amcseg);
Res res;
Pool pool;
Addr i, p, base, limit, init;
Align step;
Size row;
char abzSketch[5];
Buffer buffer;
if (!TESTC(amcSeg, amcseg))
return ResPARAM;
if (stream == NULL)
return ResPARAM;
/* Describe the superclass fields first via next-method call */
res = NextMethod(Inst, amcSeg, describe)(inst, stream, depth);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
pool = SegPool(seg);
step = PoolAlignment(pool);
row = step * 64;
base = SegBase(seg);
p = AddrAdd(base, pool->format->headerSize);
limit = SegLimit(seg);
if (amcSegHasNailboard(seg)) {
res = WriteF(stream, depth + 2, "Boarded\n", NULL);
} else if (SegNailed(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY) {
res = WriteF(stream, depth + 2, "Mobile\n", NULL);
} else {
res = WriteF(stream, depth + 2, "Stuck\n", NULL);
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
res = WriteF(stream, depth + 2,
"Map: *===:object @+++:nails bbbb:buffer\n", NULL);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
if (SegBuffer(&buffer, seg))
init = BufferGetInit(buffer);
init = limit;
for (i = base; i < limit; i = AddrAdd(i, row)) {
Addr j;
char c;
res = WriteF(stream, depth + 2, "$A ", (WriteFA)i, NULL);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
/* @@@@ This misses a header-sized pad at the end. */
for (j = i; j < AddrAdd(i, row); j = AddrAdd(j, step)) {
if (j >= limit)
c = ' '; /* if seg is not a whole number of print rows */
else if (j >= init)
c = 'b';
else {
Bool nailed = amcSegHasNailboard(seg)
&& NailboardGet(amcSegNailboard(seg), j);
if (j == p) {
c = (nailed ? '@' : '*');
p = (pool->format->skip)(p);
} else {
c = (nailed ? '+' : '=');
res = WriteF(stream, 0, "$C", (WriteFC)c, NULL);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
res = WriteF(stream, 0, "\n", NULL);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
AMCSegSketch(seg, abzSketch, NELEMS(abzSketch));
res = WriteF(stream, depth + 2, "Sketch: $S\n", (WriteFS)abzSketch, NULL);
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
return ResOK;
/* amcSegClass -- Class definition for AMC segments */
DEFINE_CLASS(Seg, amcSeg, klass)
INHERIT_CLASS(klass, amcSeg, GCSeg);
SegClassMixInNoSplitMerge(klass); /* no support for this (yet) */
klass->instClassStruct.describe = AMCSegDescribe;
klass->size = sizeof(amcSegStruct);
klass->init = AMCSegInit;
/* amcSegHasNailboard -- test whether the segment has a nailboard
* See <design/poolamc/#fix.nail.distinguish>.
static Bool amcSegHasNailboard(Seg seg)
amcSeg amcseg = MustBeA(amcSeg, seg);
return amcseg->board != NULL;
/* amcSegNailboard -- get the nailboard for this segment */
static Nailboard amcSegNailboard(Seg seg)
amcSeg amcseg = MustBeA(amcSeg, seg);
return amcseg->board;
/* amcSegGen -- get the generation structure for this segment */
static amcGen amcSegGen(Seg seg)
amcSeg amcseg = MustBeA(amcSeg, seg);
return amcseg->gen;
/* AMCStruct -- pool AMC descriptor
* See <design/poolamc/#struct>.
#define AMCSig ((Sig)0x519A3C99) /* SIGnature AMC */
typedef struct AMCStruct { /* <design/poolamc/#struct> */
PoolStruct poolStruct; /* generic pool structure */
RankSet rankSet; /* rankSet for entire pool */
RingStruct genRing; /* ring of generations */
Bool gensBooted; /* used during boot (init) */
size_t gens; /* number of generations */
amcGen *gen; /* (pointer to) array of generations */
amcGen nursery; /* the default mutator generation */
amcGen rampGen; /* the ramp generation */
amcGen afterRampGen; /* the generation after rampGen */
unsigned rampCount; /* <design/poolamc/#ramp.count> */
int rampMode; /* <design/poolamc/#ramp.mode> */
amcPinnedFunction pinned; /* function determining if block is pinned */
Size extendBy; /* segment size to extend pool by */
Size largeSize; /* min size of "large" segments */
Sig sig; /* <design/pool/#outer-structure.sig> */
} AMCStruct;
/* amcGenCheck -- check consistency of a generation structure */
static Bool amcGenCheck(amcGen gen)
AMC amc;
CHECKS(amcGen, gen);
CHECKD(PoolGen, &gen->pgen);
amc = amcGenAMC(gen);
CHECKD(Buffer, gen->forward);
CHECKD_NOSIG(Ring, &gen->amcRing);
return TRUE;
/* amcBufStruct -- AMC Buffer subclass
* This subclass of SegBuf records a link to a generation.
#define amcBufSig ((Sig)0x519A3CBF) /* SIGnature AMC BuFfer */
typedef struct amcBufStruct *amcBuf;
typedef struct amcBufStruct {
SegBufStruct segbufStruct; /* superclass fields must come first */
amcGen gen; /* The AMC generation */
Bool forHashArrays; /* allocates hash table arrays, see AMCBufferFill */
Sig sig; /* <design/sig/> */
} amcBufStruct;
/* amcBufCheck -- check consistency of an amcBuf */
static Bool amcBufCheck(amcBuf amcbuf)
CHECKS(amcBuf, amcbuf);
CHECKD(SegBuf, &amcbuf->segbufStruct);
if(amcbuf->gen != NULL)
CHECKD(amcGen, amcbuf->gen);
/* hash array buffers only created by mutator */
CHECKL(BufferIsMutator(MustBeA(Buffer, amcbuf)) || !amcbuf->forHashArrays);
return TRUE;
/* amcBufGen -- Return the AMC generation of an amcBuf */
static amcGen amcBufGen(Buffer buffer)
return MustBeA(amcBuf, buffer)->gen;
/* amcBufSetGen -- Set the AMC generation of an amcBuf */
static void amcBufSetGen(Buffer buffer, amcGen gen)
amcBuf amcbuf = MustBeA(amcBuf, buffer);
if (gen != NULL)
AVERT(amcGen, gen);
amcbuf->gen = gen;
ARG_DEFINE_KEY(ap_hash_arrays, Bool);
#define amcKeyAPHashArrays (&_mps_key_ap_hash_arrays)
/* AMCBufInit -- Initialize an amcBuf */
static Res AMCBufInit(Buffer buffer, Pool pool, Bool isMutator, ArgList args)
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
amcBuf amcbuf;
Res res;
Bool forHashArrays = FALSE;
ArgStruct arg;
if (ArgPick(&arg, args, amcKeyAPHashArrays))
forHashArrays = arg.val.b;
/* call next method */
res = NextMethod(Buffer, amcBuf, init)(buffer, pool, isMutator, args);
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
amcbuf = CouldBeA(amcBuf, buffer);
if (BufferIsMutator(buffer)) {
/* Set up the buffer to be allocating in the nursery. */
amcbuf->gen = amc->nursery;
} else {
/* No gen yet -- see <design/poolamc/#gen.forward>. */
amcbuf->gen = NULL;
amcbuf->forHashArrays = forHashArrays;
SetClassOfPoly(buffer, CLASS(amcBuf));
amcbuf->sig = amcBufSig;
AVERC(amcBuf, amcbuf);
BufferSetRankSet(buffer, amc->rankSet);
return ResOK;
/* AMCBufFinish -- Finish an amcBuf */
static void AMCBufFinish(Inst inst)
Buffer buffer = MustBeA(Buffer, inst);
amcBuf amcbuf = MustBeA(amcBuf, buffer);
amcbuf->sig = SigInvalid;
NextMethod(Inst, amcBuf, finish)(inst);
/* amcBufClass -- The class definition */
DEFINE_CLASS(Buffer, amcBuf, klass)
INHERIT_CLASS(klass, amcBuf, SegBuf);
klass->instClassStruct.finish = AMCBufFinish;
klass->size = sizeof(amcBufStruct);
klass->init = AMCBufInit;
/* amcGenCreate -- create a generation */
static Res amcGenCreate(amcGen *genReturn, AMC amc, GenDesc gen)
Pool pool = MustBeA(AbstractPool, amc);
Arena arena;
Buffer buffer;
amcGen amcgen;
Res res;
void *p;
arena = pool->arena;
res = ControlAlloc(&p, arena, sizeof(amcGenStruct));
if(res != ResOK)
goto failControlAlloc;
amcgen = (amcGen)p;
res = BufferCreate(&buffer, CLASS(amcBuf), pool, FALSE, argsNone);
if(res != ResOK)
goto failBufferCreate;
res = PoolGenInit(&amcgen->pgen, gen, pool);
if(res != ResOK)
goto failGenInit;
amcgen->forward = buffer;
amcgen->sig = amcGenSig;
AVERT(amcGen, amcgen);
RingAppend(&amc->genRing, &amcgen->amcRing);
EVENT2(AMCGenCreate, amc, amcgen);
*genReturn = amcgen;
return ResOK;
ControlFree(arena, p, sizeof(amcGenStruct));
return res;
/* amcGenDestroy -- destroy a generation */
static void amcGenDestroy(amcGen gen)
Arena arena;
AVERT(amcGen, gen);
EVENT1(AMCGenDestroy, gen);
arena = PoolArena(amcGenPool(gen));
gen->sig = SigInvalid;
ControlFree(arena, gen, sizeof(amcGenStruct));
/* amcGenDescribe -- describe an AMC generation */
static Res amcGenDescribe(amcGen gen, mps_lib_FILE *stream, Count depth)
Res res;
if(!TESTT(amcGen, gen))
return ResFAIL;
if (stream == NULL)
return ResFAIL;
res = WriteF(stream, depth,
"amcGen $P {\n", (WriteFP)gen,
" buffer $P\n", (WriteFP)gen->forward, NULL);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
res = PoolGenDescribe(&gen->pgen, stream, depth + 2);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
res = WriteF(stream, depth, "} amcGen $P\n", (WriteFP)gen, NULL);
return res;
/* amcSegCreateNailboard -- create nailboard for segment */
static Res amcSegCreateNailboard(Seg seg, Pool pool)
amcSeg amcseg = MustBeA(amcSeg, seg);
Nailboard board;
Arena arena;
Res res;
arena = PoolArena(pool);
res = NailboardCreate(&board, arena, pool->alignment,
SegBase(seg), SegLimit(seg));
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
amcseg->board = board;
return ResOK;
/* amcPinnedInterior -- block is pinned by any nail */
static Bool amcPinnedInterior(AMC amc, Nailboard board, Addr base, Addr limit)
Size headerSize = MustBeA(AbstractPool, amc)->format->headerSize;
return !NailboardIsResRange(board, AddrSub(base, headerSize),
AddrSub(limit, headerSize));
/* amcPinnedBase -- block is pinned only if base is nailed */
static Bool amcPinnedBase(AMC amc, Nailboard board, Addr base, Addr limit)
return NailboardGet(board, base);
/* amcVarargs -- decode obsolete varargs */
static void AMCVarargs(ArgStruct args[MPS_ARGS_MAX], va_list varargs)
args[0].key = MPS_KEY_FORMAT;
args[0].val.format = va_arg(varargs, Format);
args[1].key = MPS_KEY_CHAIN;
args[1].val.chain = va_arg(varargs, Chain);
args[2].key = MPS_KEY_ARGS_END;
AVERT(ArgList, args);
/* amcInitComm -- initialize AMC/Z pool
* See <design/poolamc/#init>.
* Shared by AMCInit and AMCZinit.
static Res amcInitComm(Pool pool, Arena arena, PoolClass klass,
RankSet rankSet, ArgList args)
AMC amc;
Res res;
Index i;
size_t genArraySize;
size_t genCount;
Chain chain;
ArgStruct arg;
AVER(pool != NULL);
AVERT(Arena, arena);
AVERT(ArgList, args);
AVERT(PoolClass, klass);
AVER(IsSubclass(klass, AMCZPool));
if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_CHAIN))
chain = arg.val.chain;
chain = ArenaGlobals(arena)->defaultChain;
if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_INTERIOR))
interior = arg.val.b;
if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY))
extendBy = arg.val.size;
if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_LARGE_SIZE))
largeSize = arg.val.size;
AVERT(Chain, chain);
AVER(chain->arena == arena);
AVER(extendBy > 0);
AVER(largeSize > 0);
/* TODO: it would be nice to be able to manage large objects that
* are smaller than the extendBy, but currently this results in
* unacceptable fragmentation due to the padding objects. This
* assertion catches this bad case. */
AVER(largeSize >= extendBy);
res = PoolAbsInit(pool, arena, klass, args);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
amc = CouldBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
/* Ensure a format was supplied in the argument list. */
AVER(pool->format != NULL);
pool->alignment = pool->format->alignment;
amc->rankSet = rankSet;
/* amc gets checked before the generations get created, but they */
/* do get created later in this function. */
amc->gen = NULL;
amc->nursery = NULL;
amc->rampGen = NULL;
amc->afterRampGen = NULL;
amc->gensBooted = FALSE;
amc->rampCount = 0;
amc->rampMode = RampOUTSIDE;
if (interior) {
amc->pinned = amcPinnedInterior;
} else {
amc->pinned = amcPinnedBase;
/* .extend-by.aligned: extendBy is aligned to the arena alignment. */
amc->extendBy = SizeArenaGrains(extendBy, arena);
amc->largeSize = largeSize;
SetClassOfPoly(pool, klass);
amc->sig = AMCSig;
AVERC(AMCZPool, amc);
/* Init generations. */
genCount = ChainGens(chain);
void *p;
/* One gen for each one in the chain plus dynamic gen. */
genArraySize = sizeof(amcGen) * (genCount + 1);
res = ControlAlloc(&p, arena, genArraySize);
if(res != ResOK)
goto failGensAlloc;
amc->gen = p;
for (i = 0; i <= genCount; ++i) {
res = amcGenCreate(&amc->gen[i], amc, ChainGen(chain, i));
if (res != ResOK)
goto failGenAlloc;
/* Set up forwarding buffers. */
for(i = 0; i < genCount; ++i) {
amcBufSetGen(amc->gen[i]->forward, amc->gen[i+1]);
/* Dynamic gen forwards to itself. */
amcBufSetGen(amc->gen[genCount]->forward, amc->gen[genCount]);
amc->nursery = amc->gen[0];
amc->rampGen = amc->gen[genCount-1]; /* last ephemeral gen */
amc->afterRampGen = amc->gen[genCount];
amc->gensBooted = TRUE;
AVERT(AMC, amc);
EVENT2(AMCInit, pool, amc);
if(rankSet == RankSetEMPTY)
EVENT2(PoolInitAMCZ, pool, pool->format);
EVENT2(PoolInitAMC, pool, pool->format);
return ResOK;
while(i > 0) {
ControlFree(arena, amc->gen, genArraySize);
NextMethod(Inst, AMCZPool, finish)(MustBeA(Inst, pool));
return res;
/* TODO: AMCInit should call AMCZInit (its superclass) then
specialize, but amcInitComm creates forwarding buffers that copy
the rank set from the pool, making this awkward. */
static Res AMCInit(Pool pool, Arena arena, PoolClass klass, ArgList args)
UNUSED(klass); /* used for debug pools only */
return amcInitComm(pool, arena, CLASS(AMCPool), RankSetSingle(RankEXACT), args);
static Res AMCZInit(Pool pool, Arena arena, PoolClass klass, ArgList args)
UNUSED(klass); /* used for debug pools only */
return amcInitComm(pool, arena, CLASS(AMCZPool), RankSetEMPTY, args);
/* AMCFinish -- finish AMC pool
* See <design/poolamc/#finish>.
static void AMCFinish(Inst inst)
Pool pool = MustBeA(AbstractPool, inst);
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
Ring ring;
Ring node, nextNode;
EVENT1(AMCFinish, amc);
/* @@@@ Make sure that segments aren't buffered by forwarding */
/* buffers. This is a hack which allows the pool to be destroyed */
/* while it is collecting. Note that there aren't any mutator */
/* buffers by this time. */
RING_FOR(node, &amc->genRing, nextNode) {
amcGen gen = RING_ELT(amcGen, amcRing, node);
BufferDetach(gen->forward, pool);
ring = PoolSegRing(pool);
RING_FOR(node, ring, nextNode) {
Seg seg = SegOfPoolRing(node);
amcGen gen = amcSegGen(seg);
amcSeg amcseg = MustBeA(amcSeg, seg);
AVERT(amcSeg, amcseg);
PoolGenFree(&gen->pgen, seg,
amcseg->old ? SegSize(seg) : 0,
amcseg->old ? 0 : SegSize(seg),
/* Disassociate forwarding buffers from gens before they are */
/* destroyed. */
ring = &amc->genRing;
RING_FOR(node, ring, nextNode) {
amcGen gen = RING_ELT(amcGen, amcRing, node);
amcBufSetGen(gen->forward, NULL);
RING_FOR(node, ring, nextNode) {
amcGen gen = RING_ELT(amcGen, amcRing, node);
amc->sig = SigInvalid;
NextMethod(Inst, AMCZPool, finish)(inst);
/* AMCBufferFill -- refill an allocation buffer
* See <design/poolamc/#fill>.
static Res AMCBufferFill(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
Pool pool, Buffer buffer, Size size)
Seg seg;
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
Res res;
Addr base, limit;
Arena arena;
Size grainsSize;
amcGen gen;
PoolGen pgen;
amcBuf amcbuf = MustBeA(amcBuf, buffer);
AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
AVER(size > 0);
AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(pool)));
arena = PoolArena(pool);
gen = amcBufGen(buffer);
AVERT(amcGen, gen);
pgen = &gen->pgen;
/* Create and attach segment. The location of this segment is */
/* expressed via the pool generation. We rely on the arena to */
/* organize locations appropriately. */
if (size < amc->extendBy) {
grainsSize = amc->extendBy; /* .extend-by.aligned */
} else {
grainsSize = SizeArenaGrains(size, arena);
MPS_ARGS_ADD_FIELD(args, amcKeySegGen, p, gen);
res = PoolGenAlloc(&seg, pgen, CLASS(amcSeg), grainsSize, args);
} MPS_ARGS_END(args);
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
AVER(grainsSize == SegSize(seg));
/* <design/seg/#field.rankSet.start> */
if(BufferRankSet(buffer) == RankSetEMPTY)
SegSetRankAndSummary(seg, BufferRankSet(buffer), RefSetEMPTY);
SegSetRankAndSummary(seg, BufferRankSet(buffer), RefSetUNIV);
/* If ramping, or if the buffer is intended for allocating hash
* table arrays, defer the size accounting. */
if ((amc->rampMode == RampRAMPING
&& buffer == amc->rampGen->forward
&& gen == amc->rampGen)
|| amcbuf->forHashArrays)
MustBeA(amcSeg, seg)->deferred = TRUE;
base = SegBase(seg);
if (size < amc->largeSize) {
/* Small or Medium segment: give the buffer the entire seg. */
limit = AddrAdd(base, grainsSize);
AVER(limit == SegLimit(seg));
} else {
/* Large segment: ONLY give the buffer the size requested, and */
/* pad the remainder of the segment: see job001811. */
Size padSize;
limit = AddrAdd(base, size);
AVER(limit <= SegLimit(seg));
padSize = grainsSize - size;
AVER(SizeIsAligned(padSize, PoolAlignment(pool)));
AVER(AddrAdd(limit, padSize) == SegLimit(seg));
if(padSize > 0) {
ShieldExpose(arena, seg);
(*pool->format->pad)(limit, padSize);
ShieldCover(arena, seg);
PoolGenAccountForFill(pgen, SegSize(seg));
MustBeA(amcSeg, seg)->accountedAsBuffered = TRUE;
*baseReturn = base;
*limitReturn = limit;
return ResOK;
/* amcBufferEmpty -- detach a buffer from a segment
* See <design/poolamc/#flush>.
static void AMCBufferEmpty(Pool pool, Buffer buffer,
Addr init, Addr limit)
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
Size size;
Arena arena;
Seg seg;
amcSeg amcseg;
TraceId ti;
Trace trace;
AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
seg = BufferSeg(buffer);
AVERT(Seg, seg);
amcseg = MustBeA(amcSeg, seg);
AVER(init <= limit);
arena = BufferArena(buffer);
if(SegSize(seg) < amc->largeSize) {
/* Small or Medium segment: buffer had the entire seg. */
AVER(limit == SegLimit(seg));
} else {
/* Large segment: buffer had only the size requested; job001811. */
AVER(limit <= SegLimit(seg));
/* <design/poolamc/#flush.pad> */
size = AddrOffset(init, limit);
if(size > 0) {
ShieldExpose(arena, seg);
(*pool->format->pad)(init, size);
ShieldCover(arena, seg);
/* The padding object is white, so needs to be accounted as condemned. */
TRACE_SET_ITER(ti, trace, seg->white, arena)
GenDescCondemned(amcseg->gen->pgen.gen, trace, size);
TRACE_SET_ITER_END(ti, trace, seg->white, arena);
if (amcseg->accountedAsBuffered) {
/* Account the entire buffer (including the padding object) as used. */
PoolGenAccountForEmpty(&amcseg->gen->pgen, SegSize(seg), 0,
amcseg->accountedAsBuffered = FALSE;
/* AMCRampBegin -- note an entry into a ramp pattern */
static void AMCRampBegin(Pool pool, Buffer buf, Bool collectAll)
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
AVERT(Buffer, buf);
AVERT(Bool, collectAll);
UNUSED(collectAll); /* obsolete */
AVER(amc->rampCount < UINT_MAX);
if(amc->rampCount == 1) {
if(amc->rampMode != RampFINISH)
amc->rampMode = RampBEGIN;
/* AMCRampEnd -- note an exit from a ramp pattern */
static void AMCRampEnd(Pool pool, Buffer buf)
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
AVERT(Buffer, buf);
AVER(amc->rampCount > 0);
if(amc->rampCount == 0) {
PoolGen pgen = &amc->rampGen->pgen;
Ring node, nextNode;
switch(amc->rampMode) {
case RampRAMPING:
/* We were ramping, so clean up. */
amc->rampMode = RampFINISH;
case RampBEGIN:
/* short-circuit for short ramps */
amc->rampMode = RampOUTSIDE;
/* we have finished a circuit of the state machine */
amc->rampMode = RampOUTSIDE;
case RampFINISH:
/* stay in FINISH because we need to pass through COLLECTING */
/* can't get here if already OUTSIDE */
/* Now all the segments in the ramp generation contribute to the
* pool generation's sizes. */
RING_FOR(node, PoolSegRing(pool), nextNode) {
Seg seg = SegOfPoolRing(node);
amcSeg amcseg = MustBeA(amcSeg, seg);
if(amcSegGen(seg) == amc->rampGen
&& amcseg->deferred
&& SegWhite(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY)
if (!amcseg->accountedAsBuffered)
amcseg->old ? SegSize(seg) : 0,
amcseg->old ? 0 : SegSize(seg));
amcseg->deferred = FALSE;
/* AMCWhiten -- condemn the segment for the trace
* If the segment has a mutator buffer on it, we nail the buffer,
* because we can't scan or reclaim uncommitted buffers.
static Res AMCWhiten(Pool pool, Trace trace, Seg seg)
Size condemned = 0;
amcGen gen;
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
Buffer buffer;
amcSeg amcseg = MustBeA(amcSeg, seg);
Res res;
AVERT(Trace, trace);
if (SegBuffer(&buffer, seg)) {
AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
if(!BufferIsMutator(buffer)) { /* forwarding buffer */
BufferDetach(buffer, pool);
} else { /* mutator buffer */
if(BufferScanLimit(buffer) == SegBase(seg)) {
/* There's nothing but the buffer, don't condemn. */
return ResOK;
/* [The following else-if section is just a comment added in */
/* 1998-10-08. It has never worked. RHSK 2007-01-16] */
/* else if (BufferScanLimit(buffer) == BufferLimit(buffer)) { */
/* The buffer is full, so it won't be used by the mutator. */
/* @@@@ We should detach it, but can't for technical */
/* reasons. */
/* BufferDetach(buffer, pool); */
/* } */
else {
/* There is an active buffer, make sure it's nailed. */
if(!amcSegHasNailboard(seg)) {
if(SegNailed(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY) {
res = amcSegCreateNailboard(seg, pool);
if(res != ResOK) {
/* Can't create nailboard, don't condemn. */
return ResOK;
if(BufferScanLimit(buffer) != BufferLimit(buffer)) {
SegSetNailed(seg, TraceSetSingle(trace));
} else {
/* Segment is nailed already, cannot create a nailboard */
/* (see .nail.new), just give up condemning. */
return ResOK;
} else {
/* We have a nailboard, the buffer must be nailed already. */
AVER(BufferScanLimit(buffer) == BufferLimit(buffer)
|| NailboardIsSetRange(amcSegNailboard(seg),
/* Nail it for this trace as well. */
SegSetNailed(seg, TraceSetAdd(SegNailed(seg), trace));
/* We didn't condemn the buffer, subtract it from the count. */
/* @@@@ We could subtract all the nailed grains. */
/* Relies on unsigned arithmetic wrapping round */
/* on under- and overflow (which it does). */
condemned -= AddrOffset(BufferScanLimit(buffer), BufferLimit(buffer));
gen = amcSegGen(seg);
AVERT(amcGen, gen);
if (!amcseg->old) {
amcseg->old = TRUE;
if (amcseg->accountedAsBuffered) {
/* Note that the segment remains buffered but the buffer contents
* are accounted as old. See .seg.accounted-as-buffered. */
amcseg->accountedAsBuffered = FALSE;
PoolGenAccountForAge(&gen->pgen, SegSize(seg), 0, amcseg->deferred);
} else
PoolGenAccountForAge(&gen->pgen, 0, SegSize(seg), amcseg->deferred);
amcseg->forwarded[trace->ti] = 0;
SegSetWhite(seg, TraceSetAdd(SegWhite(seg), trace));
GenDescCondemned(gen->pgen.gen, trace, condemned + SegSize(seg));
/* Ensure we are forwarding into the right generation. */
/* see <design/poolamc/#gen.ramp> */
/* This switching needs to be more complex for multiple traces. */
if(amc->rampMode == RampBEGIN && gen == amc->rampGen) {
BufferDetach(gen->forward, pool);
amcBufSetGen(gen->forward, gen);
amc->rampMode = RampRAMPING;
} else if(amc->rampMode == RampFINISH && gen == amc->rampGen) {
BufferDetach(gen->forward, pool);
amcBufSetGen(gen->forward, amc->afterRampGen);
amc->rampMode = RampCOLLECTING;
return ResOK;
/* amcScanNailedRange -- make one scanning pass over a range of
* addresses in a nailed segment.
* *totalReturn is set to FALSE if not all the objects between base and
* limit have been scanned. It is not touched otherwise.
static Res amcScanNailedRange(Bool *totalReturn, Bool *moreReturn,
ScanState ss,
AMC amc, Nailboard board,
Addr base, Addr limit)
Format format;
Size headerSize;
Addr p, clientLimit;
Pool pool = MustBeA(AbstractPool, amc);
format = pool->format;
headerSize = format->headerSize;
p = AddrAdd(base, headerSize);
clientLimit = AddrAdd(limit, headerSize);
while (p < clientLimit) {
Addr q;
q = (*format->skip)(p);
if ((*amc->pinned)(amc, board, p, q)) {
Res res = FormatScan(format, ss, p, q);
if(res != ResOK) {
*totalReturn = FALSE;
*moreReturn = TRUE;
return res;
} else {
*totalReturn = FALSE;
AVER(p < q);
p = q;
AVER(p == clientLimit);
return ResOK;
/* amcScanNailedOnce -- make one scanning pass over a nailed segment
* *totalReturn is set to TRUE iff all objects in segment scanned.
* *moreReturn is set to FALSE only if there are no more objects
* on the segment that need scanning (which is normally the case).
* It is set to TRUE if scanning had to be abandoned early on, and
* also if during emergency fixing any new marks got added to the
* nailboard.
static Res amcScanNailedOnce(Bool *totalReturn, Bool *moreReturn,
ScanState ss, Seg seg, AMC amc)
Addr p, limit;
Nailboard board;
Res res;
Buffer buffer;
EVENT3(AMCScanBegin, amc, seg, ss); /* TODO: consider using own event */
*totalReturn = TRUE;
board = amcSegNailboard(seg);
p = SegBase(seg);
while (SegBuffer(&buffer, seg)) {
limit = BufferScanLimit(buffer);
if(p >= limit) {
AVER(p == limit);
goto returnGood;
res = amcScanNailedRange(totalReturn, moreReturn,
ss, amc, board, p, limit);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
p = limit;
limit = SegLimit(seg);
/* @@@@ Shouldn't p be set to BufferLimit here?! */
res = amcScanNailedRange(totalReturn, moreReturn,
ss, amc, board, p, limit);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
EVENT3(AMCScanEnd, amc, seg, ss); /* TODO: consider using own event */
*moreReturn = NailboardNewNails(board);
return ResOK;
/* amcScanNailed -- scan a nailed segment */
static Res amcScanNailed(Bool *totalReturn, ScanState ss, Pool pool,
Seg seg, AMC amc)
Bool total, moreScanning;
size_t loops = 0;
do {
Res res;
res = amcScanNailedOnce(&total, &moreScanning, ss, seg, amc);
if(res != ResOK) {
*totalReturn = FALSE;
return res;
loops += 1;
} while(moreScanning);
if(loops > 1) {
RefSet refset;
/* Looped: fixed refs (from 1st pass) were seen by MPS_FIX1
* (in later passes), so the "ss.unfixedSummary" is _not_
* purely unfixed. In this one case, unfixedSummary is not
* accurate, and cannot be used to verify the SegSummary (see
* impl/trace/#verify.segsummary). Use ScanStateSetSummary to
* store ScanStateSummary in ss.fixedSummary and reset
* ss.unfixedSummary. See job001548.
refset = ScanStateSummary(ss);
/* A rare event, which might prompt a rare defect to appear. */
EVENT6(amcScanNailed, loops, SegSummary(seg), ScanStateWhite(ss),
ScanStateUnfixedSummary(ss), ss->fixedSummary, refset);
ScanStateSetSummary(ss, refset);
*totalReturn = total;
return ResOK;
/* AMCScan -- scan a single seg, turning it black
* See <design/poolamc/#seg-scan>.
static Res AMCScan(Bool *totalReturn, ScanState ss, Pool pool, Seg seg)
Addr base, limit;
Format format;
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
Res res;
Buffer buffer;
AVER(totalReturn != NULL);
AVERT(ScanState, ss);
AVERT(Seg, seg);
format = pool->format;
if(amcSegHasNailboard(seg)) {
return amcScanNailed(totalReturn, ss, pool, seg, amc);
EVENT3(AMCScanBegin, amc, seg, ss);
base = AddrAdd(SegBase(seg), format->headerSize);
/* <design/poolamc/#seg-scan.loop> */
while (SegBuffer(&buffer, seg)) {
limit = AddrAdd(BufferScanLimit(buffer),
if(base >= limit) {
/* @@@@ Are we sure we don't need scan the rest of the */
/* segment? */
AVER(base == limit);
*totalReturn = TRUE;
return ResOK;
res = FormatScan(format, ss, base, limit);
if(res != ResOK) {
*totalReturn = FALSE;
return res;
base = limit;
/* <design/poolamc/#seg-scan.finish> @@@@ base? */
limit = AddrAdd(SegLimit(seg), format->headerSize);
AVER(SegBase(seg) <= base);
AVER(base <= AddrAdd(SegLimit(seg), format->headerSize));
if(base < limit) {
res = FormatScan(format, ss, base, limit);
if(res != ResOK) {
*totalReturn = FALSE;
return res;
EVENT3(AMCScanEnd, amc, seg, ss);
*totalReturn = TRUE;
return ResOK;
/* amcFixInPlace -- fix an reference without moving the object
* Usually this function is used for ambiguous references, but during
* emergency tracing may be used for references of any rank.
* If the segment has a nailboard then we use that to record the fix.
* Otherwise we simply grey and nail the entire segment.
static void amcFixInPlace(Pool pool, Seg seg, ScanState ss, Ref *refIO)
Addr ref;
ref = (Addr)*refIO;
/* An ambiguous reference can point before the header. */
AVER(SegBase(seg) <= ref);
/* .ref-limit: A reference passed to Fix can't be beyond the */
/* segment, because then TraceFix would not have picked this */
/* segment. */
AVER(ref < SegLimit(seg));
if(amcSegHasNailboard(seg)) {
Bool wasMarked = NailboardSet(amcSegNailboard(seg), ref);
/* If there are no new marks (i.e., no new traces for which we */
/* are marking, and no new mark bits set) then we can return */
/* immediately, without changing colour. */
if(TraceSetSub(ss->traces, SegNailed(seg)) && wasMarked)
} else if(TraceSetSub(ss->traces, SegNailed(seg))) {
SegSetNailed(seg, TraceSetUnion(SegNailed(seg), ss->traces));
/* AMCZ segments don't contain references and so don't need to */
/* become grey */
if(SegRankSet(seg) != RankSetEMPTY)
SegSetGrey(seg, TraceSetUnion(SegGrey(seg), ss->traces));
/* AMCFixEmergency -- fix a reference, without allocating
* See <design/poolamc/#emergency.fix>.
static Res AMCFixEmergency(Pool pool, ScanState ss, Seg seg,
Ref *refIO)
Arena arena;
Addr newRef;
AVERC(AMCZPool, pool);
AVERT(ScanState, ss);
AVERT(Seg, seg);
AVER(refIO != NULL);
arena = PoolArena(pool);
ss->wasMarked = TRUE;
if(ss->rank == RankAMBIG)
goto fixInPlace;
ShieldExpose(arena, seg);
newRef = (*pool->format->isMoved)(*refIO);
ShieldCover(arena, seg);
if(newRef != (Addr)0) {
/* Object has been forwarded already, so snap-out pointer. */
/* TODO: Implement weak pointer semantics in emergency fixing. This
would be a good idea since we really want to reclaim as much as
possible in an emergency. */
*refIO = newRef;
return ResOK;
fixInPlace: /* see <design/poolamc/>.Nailboard.emergency */
amcFixInPlace(pool, seg, ss, refIO);
return ResOK;
/* AMCFix -- fix a reference to the pool
* See <design/poolamc/#fix>.
static Res AMCFix(Pool pool, ScanState ss, Seg seg, Ref *refIO)
Arena arena;
AMC amc;
Res res;
Format format; /* cache of pool->format */
Size headerSize; /* cache of pool->format->headerSize */
Ref ref; /* reference to be fixed */
Addr base; /* base address of reference */
Ref newRef; /* new location, if moved */
Addr newBase; /* base address of new copy */
Size length; /* length of object to be relocated */
Buffer buffer; /* buffer to allocate new copy into */
amcGen gen; /* generation of old copy of object */
TraceSet grey; /* greyness of object being relocated */
Seg toSeg; /* segment to which object is being relocated */
TraceId ti;
Trace trace;
/* <design/trace/#fix.noaver> */
AVERT_CRITICAL(ScanState, ss);
/* For the moment, assume that the object was already marked. */
/* (See <design/fix/#protocol.was-marked>.) */
ss->wasMarked = TRUE;
/* If the reference is ambiguous, set up the datastructures for */
/* managing a nailed segment. This involves marking the segment */
/* as nailed, and setting up a per-word mark table */
if(ss->rank == RankAMBIG) {
/* .nail.new: Check to see whether we need a Nailboard for */
/* this seg. We use "SegNailed(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY" */
/* rather than "!amcSegHasNailboard(seg)" because this avoids */
/* setting up a new nailboard when the segment was nailed, but */
/* had no nailboard. This must be avoided because otherwise */
/* assumptions in AMCFixEmergency will be wrong (essentially */
/* we will lose some pointer fixes because we introduced a */
/* nailboard). */
if(SegNailed(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY) {
res = amcSegCreateNailboard(seg, pool);
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
SegSetNailed(seg, TraceSetUnion(SegNailed(seg), ss->traces));
amcFixInPlace(pool, seg, ss, refIO);
return ResOK;
amc = MustBeA_CRITICAL(AMCZPool, pool);
format = pool->format;
headerSize = format->headerSize;
ref = *refIO;
AVER_CRITICAL(AddrAdd(SegBase(seg), headerSize) <= ref);
base = AddrSub(ref, headerSize);
AVER_CRITICAL(AddrIsAligned(base, PoolAlignment(pool)));
AVER_CRITICAL(ref < SegLimit(seg)); /* see .ref-limit */
arena = pool->arena;
/* .exposed.seg: Statements tagged ".exposed.seg" below require */
/* that "seg" (that is: the 'from' seg) has been ShieldExposed. */
ShieldExpose(arena, seg);
newRef = (*format->isMoved)(ref); /* .exposed.seg */
if(newRef == (Addr)0) {
Addr clientQ;
clientQ = (*format->skip)(ref);
/* If object is nailed already then we mustn't copy it: */
if (SegNailed(seg) != TraceSetEMPTY
&& !(amcSegHasNailboard(seg)
&& !(*amc->pinned)(amc, amcSegNailboard(seg), ref, clientQ)))
/* Segment only needs greying if there are new traces for */
/* which we are nailing. */
if(!TraceSetSub(ss->traces, SegNailed(seg))) {
if(SegRankSet(seg) != RankSetEMPTY) /* not for AMCZ */
SegSetGrey(seg, TraceSetUnion(SegGrey(seg), ss->traces));
SegSetNailed(seg, TraceSetUnion(SegNailed(seg), ss->traces));
res = ResOK;
goto returnRes;
} else if(ss->rank == RankWEAK) {
/* Object is not preserved (neither moved, nor nailed) */
/* hence, reference should be splatted. */
goto updateReference;
/* Object is not preserved yet (neither moved, nor nailed) */
/* so should be preserved by forwarding. */
/* <design/fix/#protocol.was-marked> */
ss->wasMarked = FALSE;
/* Get the forwarding buffer from the object's generation. */
gen = amcSegGen(seg);
buffer = gen->forward;
length = AddrOffset(ref, clientQ); /* .exposed.seg */
do {
res = BUFFER_RESERVE(&newBase, buffer, length);
if (res != ResOK)
goto returnRes;
newRef = AddrAdd(newBase, headerSize);
toSeg = BufferSeg(buffer);
ShieldExpose(arena, toSeg);
/* Since we're moving an object from one segment to another, */
/* union the greyness and the summaries together. */
grey = SegGrey(seg);
if(SegRankSet(seg) != RankSetEMPTY) { /* not for AMCZ */
grey = TraceSetUnion(grey, ss->traces);
SegSetSummary(toSeg, RefSetUnion(SegSummary(toSeg), SegSummary(seg)));
} else {
AVER(SegRankSet(toSeg) == RankSetEMPTY);
SegSetGrey(toSeg, TraceSetUnion(SegGrey(toSeg), grey));
/* <design/trace/#fix.copy> */
(void)AddrCopy(newBase, base, length); /* .exposed.seg */
ShieldCover(arena, toSeg);
} while (!BUFFER_COMMIT(buffer, newBase, length));
STATISTIC(ss->copiedSize += length);
TRACE_SET_ITER(ti, trace, ss->traces, ss->arena)
MustBeA(amcSeg, seg)->forwarded[ti] += length;
TRACE_SET_ITER_END(ti, trace, ss->traces, ss->arena);
(*format->move)(ref, newRef); /* .exposed.seg */
EVENT1(AMCFixForward, newRef);
} else {
/* reference to broken heart (which should be snapped out -- */
/* consider adding to (non-existent) snap-out cache here) */
/* .fix.update: update the reference to whatever the above code */
/* decided it should be */
*refIO = newRef;
res = ResOK;
ShieldCover(arena, seg); /* .exposed.seg */
return res;
/* amcReclaimNailed -- reclaim what you can from a nailed segment */
static void amcReclaimNailed(Pool pool, Trace trace, Seg seg)
Addr p, limit;
Arena arena;
Format format;
STATISTIC_DECL(Size bytesReclaimed = (Size)0)
Count preservedInPlaceCount = (Count)0;
Size preservedInPlaceSize = (Size)0;
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
PoolGen pgen;
Size headerSize;
Addr padBase; /* base of next padding object */
Size padLength; /* length of next padding object */
/* All arguments AVERed by AMCReclaim */
format = pool->format;
arena = PoolArena(pool);
AVERT(Arena, arena);
/* see <design/poolamc/#nailboard.limitations> for improvements */
headerSize = format->headerSize;
ShieldExpose(arena, seg);
p = SegBase(seg);
limit = SegBufferScanLimit(seg);
padBase = p;
padLength = 0;
while(p < limit) {
Addr clientP, q, clientQ;
Size length;
Bool preserve;
clientP = AddrAdd(p, headerSize);
clientQ = (*format->skip)(clientP);
q = AddrSub(clientQ, headerSize);
length = AddrOffset(p, q);
if(amcSegHasNailboard(seg)) {
preserve = (*amc->pinned)(amc, amcSegNailboard(seg), clientP, clientQ);
} else {
/* There's no nailboard, so preserve everything that hasn't been
* forwarded. In this case, preservedInPlace* become somewhat
* overstated. */
preserve = !(*format->isMoved)(clientP);
if(preserve) {
preservedInPlaceSize += length;
if (padLength > 0) {
/* Replace run of forwarding pointers and unreachable objects
* with a padding object. */
(*format->pad)(padBase, padLength);
STATISTIC(bytesReclaimed += padLength);
padLength = 0;
padBase = q;
} else {
padLength += length;
AVER(p < q);
p = q;
AVER(p == limit);
AVER(AddrAdd(padBase, padLength) == limit);
if (padLength > 0) {
/* Replace final run of forwarding pointers and unreachable
* objects with a padding object. */
(*format->pad)(padBase, padLength);
STATISTIC(bytesReclaimed += padLength);
ShieldCover(arena, seg);
SegSetNailed(seg, TraceSetDel(SegNailed(seg), trace));
SegSetWhite(seg, TraceSetDel(SegWhite(seg), trace));
if(SegNailed(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY && amcSegHasNailboard(seg)) {
NailboardDestroy(amcSegNailboard(seg), arena);
MustBeA(amcSeg, seg)->board = NULL;
STATISTIC(AVER(bytesReclaimed <= SegSize(seg)));
STATISTIC(trace->reclaimSize += bytesReclaimed);
STATISTIC(trace->preservedInPlaceCount += preservedInPlaceCount);
pgen = &amcSegGen(seg)->pgen;
GenDescSurvived(pgen->gen, trace, MustBeA(amcSeg, seg)->forwarded[trace->ti],
/* Free the seg if we can; fixes .nailboard.limitations.middle. */
if(preservedInPlaceCount == 0
&& (!SegHasBuffer(seg))
&& (SegNailed(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY)) {
/* We may not free a buffered seg. */
PoolGenFree(pgen, seg, 0, SegSize(seg), 0, MustBeA(amcSeg, seg)->deferred);
/* AMCReclaim -- recycle a segment if it is still white
* See <design/poolamc/#reclaim>.
static void AMCReclaim(Pool pool, Trace trace, Seg seg)
AMC amc = MustBeA_CRITICAL(AMCZPool, pool);
amcGen gen;
amcSeg amcseg;
AVERT_CRITICAL(Trace, trace);
amcseg = MustBeA_CRITICAL(amcSeg, seg);
gen = amcSegGen(seg);
AVERT_CRITICAL(amcGen, gen);
EVENT3(AMCReclaim, gen, trace, seg);
/* This switching needs to be more complex for multiple traces. */
if(amc->rampMode == RampCOLLECTING) {
if(amc->rampCount > 0) {
/* Entered ramp mode before previous one was cleaned up */
amc->rampMode = RampBEGIN;
} else {
amc->rampMode = RampOUTSIDE;
if(SegNailed(seg) != TraceSetEMPTY) {
amcReclaimNailed(pool, trace, seg);
/* We may not free a buffered seg. (But all buffered + condemned */
/* segs should have been nailed anyway). */
STATISTIC(trace->reclaimSize += SegSize(seg));
GenDescSurvived(gen->pgen.gen, trace, amcseg->forwarded[trace->ti], 0);
PoolGenFree(&gen->pgen, seg, 0, SegSize(seg), 0, amcseg->deferred);
/* AMCWalk -- Apply function to (black) objects in segment */
static void AMCWalk(Pool pool, Seg seg, FormattedObjectsVisitor f,
void *p, size_t s)
Addr object, nextObject, limit;
Format format;
AVERC(AMCZPool, pool);
AVERT(Seg, seg);
/* p and s are arbitrary closures so can't be checked */
/* Avoid applying the function to grey or white objects. */
/* White objects might not be alive, and grey objects */
/* may have pointers to old-space. */
/* NB, segments containing a mix of colours (i.e., nailed segs) */
/* are not handled properly: No objects are walked. See */
/* job001682. */
if(SegWhite(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY && SegGrey(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY
&& SegNailed(seg) == TraceSetEMPTY)
format = pool->format;
limit = AddrAdd(SegBufferScanLimit(seg), format->headerSize);
object = AddrAdd(SegBase(seg), format->headerSize);
while(object < limit) {
/* Check not a broken heart. */
AVER((*format->isMoved)(object) == NULL);
(*f)(object, pool->format, pool, p, s);
nextObject = (*pool->format->skip)(object);
AVER(nextObject > object);
object = nextObject;
AVER(object == limit);
/* amcWalkAll -- Apply a function to all (black) objects in a pool */
static void amcWalkAll(Pool pool, FormattedObjectsVisitor f, void *p, size_t s)
Arena arena;
Ring ring, next, node;
AVER(IsA(AMCZPool, pool));
arena = PoolArena(pool);
ring = PoolSegRing(pool);
node = RingNext(ring);
RING_FOR(node, ring, next) {
Seg seg = SegOfPoolRing(node);
ShieldExpose(arena, seg);
AMCWalk(pool, seg, f, p, s);
ShieldCover(arena, seg);
/* amcAddrObjectSearch -- skip over objects (belonging to pool)
* starting at objBase until we reach one of the following cases:
* 1. addr is found (and not moved): set *pReturn to the client
* pointer to the object containing addr and return ResOK;
* 2. addr is found, but it moved: return ResFAIL;
* 3. we reach searchLimit: return ResFAIL.
static Res amcAddrObjectSearch(Addr *pReturn, Pool pool, Addr objBase,
Addr searchLimit, Addr addr)
Format format;
Size hdrSize;
AVER(pReturn != NULL);
AVERT(Pool, pool);
AVER(objBase <= searchLimit);
format = pool->format;
hdrSize = format->headerSize;
while (objBase < searchLimit) {
Addr objRef = AddrAdd(objBase, hdrSize);
Addr objLimit = AddrSub((*format->skip)(objRef), hdrSize);
AVER(objBase < objLimit);
if (addr < objLimit) {
AVER(objBase <= addr);
AVER(addr < objLimit); /* the point */
if (!(*format->isMoved)(objRef)) {
*pReturn = objRef;
return ResOK;
objBase = objLimit;
return ResFAIL;
/* AMCAddrObject -- find client pointer to object containing addr.
* addr is known to belong to seg, which belongs to pool.
* See job003589.
static Res AMCAddrObject(Addr *pReturn, Pool pool, Seg seg, Addr addr)
Res res;
Arena arena;
Addr base, limit; /* range of objects on segment */
Buffer buffer;
AVER(pReturn != NULL);
AVERT(Pool, pool);
AVERT(Seg, seg);
AVER(SegPool(seg) == pool);
AVER(SegBase(seg) <= addr);
AVER(addr < SegLimit(seg));
arena = PoolArena(pool);
base = SegBase(seg);
if (SegBuffer(&buffer, seg)) {
/* We use BufferGetInit here (and not BufferScanLimit) because we
* want to be able to find objects that have been allocated and
* committed since the last flip. These objects lie between the
* addresses returned by BufferScanLimit (which returns the value
* of init at the last flip) and BufferGetInit.
* Strictly speaking we only need a limit that is at least the
* maximum of the objects on the segments. This is because addr
* *must* point inside a live object and we stop skipping once we
* have found it. The init pointer serves this purpose.
limit = BufferGetInit(buffer);
} else {
limit = SegLimit(seg);
ShieldExpose(arena, seg);
res = amcAddrObjectSearch(pReturn, pool, base, limit, addr);
ShieldCover(arena, seg);
return res;
/* AMCTotalSize -- total memory allocated from the arena */
static Size AMCTotalSize(Pool pool)
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
Size size = 0;
Ring node, nextNode;
RING_FOR(node, &amc->genRing, nextNode) {
amcGen gen = RING_ELT(amcGen, amcRing, node);
AVERT(amcGen, gen);
size += gen->pgen.totalSize;
return size;
/* AMCFreeSize -- free memory (unused by client program) */
static Size AMCFreeSize(Pool pool)
AMC amc = MustBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
Size size = 0;
Ring node, nextNode;
RING_FOR(node, &amc->genRing, nextNode) {
amcGen gen = RING_ELT(amcGen, amcRing, node);
AVERT(amcGen, gen);
size += gen->pgen.freeSize;
return size;
/* AMCDescribe -- describe the contents of the AMC pool
* See <design/poolamc/#describe>.
static Res AMCDescribe(Inst inst, mps_lib_FILE *stream, Count depth)
Pool pool = CouldBeA(AbstractPool, inst);
AMC amc = CouldBeA(AMCZPool, pool);
Res res;
Ring node, nextNode;
const char *rampmode;
if (!TESTC(AMCZPool, amc))
return ResPARAM;
if (stream == NULL)
return ResPARAM;
res = NextMethod(Inst, AMCZPool, describe)(inst, stream, depth);
if (res != ResOK)
return res;
switch(amc->rampMode) {
#define RAMP_DESCRIBE(e, s) \
case e: \
rampmode = s; \
rampmode = "unknown ramp mode";
res = WriteF(stream, depth + 2,
rampmode, " ($U)\n", (WriteFU)amc->rampCount,
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
RING_FOR(node, &amc->genRing, nextNode) {
amcGen gen = RING_ELT(amcGen, amcRing, node);
res = amcGenDescribe(gen, stream, depth + 2);
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
if (0) {
/* SegDescribes */
RING_FOR(node, &pool->segRing, nextNode) {
Seg seg = RING_ELT(Seg, poolRing, node);
res = SegDescribe(seg, stream, depth + 2);
if(res != ResOK)
return res;
return ResOK;
/* AMCZPoolClass -- the class definition */
DEFINE_CLASS(Pool, AMCZPool, klass)
INHERIT_CLASS(klass, AMCZPool, AbstractSegBufPool);
klass->instClassStruct.describe = AMCDescribe;
klass->instClassStruct.finish = AMCFinish;
klass->size = sizeof(AMCStruct);
klass->attr |= AttrMOVINGGC;
klass->varargs = AMCVarargs;
klass->init = AMCZInit;
klass->bufferFill = AMCBufferFill;
klass->bufferEmpty = AMCBufferEmpty;
klass->whiten = AMCWhiten;
klass->fix = AMCFix;
klass->fixEmergency = AMCFixEmergency;
klass->reclaim = AMCReclaim;
klass->rampBegin = AMCRampBegin;
klass->rampEnd = AMCRampEnd;
klass->addrObject = AMCAddrObject;
klass->walk = AMCWalk;
klass->bufferClass = amcBufClassGet;
klass->totalSize = AMCTotalSize;
klass->freeSize = AMCFreeSize;
/* AMCPoolClass -- the class definition */
DEFINE_CLASS(Pool, AMCPool, klass)
klass->init = AMCInit;
klass->scan = AMCScan;
/* mps_class_amc -- return the pool class descriptor to the client */
mps_pool_class_t mps_class_amc(void)
return (mps_pool_class_t)CLASS(AMCPool);
/* mps_class_amcz -- return the pool class descriptor to the client */
mps_pool_class_t mps_class_amcz(void)
return (mps_pool_class_t)CLASS(AMCZPool);
/* mps_amc_apply -- apply function to all objects in pool
* The iterator that is passed by the client is stored in a closure
* structure which is passed to a local iterator in order to ensure
* that any type conversion necessary between Addr and mps_addr_t
* happen. They are almost certainly the same on all platforms, but
* this is the correct way to do it.
typedef struct mps_amc_apply_closure_s {
mps_amc_apply_stepper_t f;
void *p;
size_t s;
} mps_amc_apply_closure_s;
static void mps_amc_apply_iter(Addr addr, Format format, Pool pool,
void *p, size_t s)
mps_amc_apply_closure_s *closure = p;
/* Can't check addr */
AVERT(Format, format);
AVERT(Pool, pool);
/* We could check that s is the sizeof *p, but it would be slow */
(*closure->f)(addr, closure->p, closure->s);
void mps_amc_apply(mps_pool_t mps_pool,
mps_amc_apply_stepper_t f,
void *p, size_t s)
Pool pool = (Pool)mps_pool;
mps_amc_apply_closure_s closure_s;
Arena arena;
AVER(TESTT(Pool, pool));
arena = PoolArena(pool);
AVERT(Pool, pool);
closure_s.f = f;
closure_s.p = p;
closure_s.s = s;
amcWalkAll(pool, mps_amc_apply_iter, &closure_s, sizeof(closure_s));
/* AMCCheck -- check consistency of the AMC pool
* See <design/poolamc/#check>.
static Bool AMCCheck(AMC amc)
CHECKC(AMCZPool, amc);
CHECKD(Pool, MustBeA(AbstractPool, amc));
CHECKD_NOSIG(Ring, &amc->genRing);
if(amc->gensBooted) {
CHECKD(amcGen, amc->nursery);
CHECKL(amc->gen != NULL);
CHECKD(amcGen, amc->rampGen);
CHECKD(amcGen, amc->afterRampGen);
CHECKL(amc->rampMode >= RampOUTSIDE);
CHECKL(amc->rampMode <= RampCOLLECTING);
/* if OUTSIDE, count must be zero. */
CHECKL((amc->rampCount == 0) || (amc->rampMode != RampOUTSIDE));
/* if BEGIN or RAMPING, count must not be zero. */
CHECKL((amc->rampCount != 0) || ((amc->rampMode != RampBEGIN) &&
(amc->rampMode != RampRAMPING)));
return TRUE;
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