/* <code/eventdef.h> -- Event Logging Definitions
* $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/custom/cet/branch/2016-09-13/job004006/code/eventdef.h#1 $
* Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Ravenbrook Limited. See end of file for license.
* .source: <design/telemetry/>
* .desc: This file declares macros that define the types of events and their
* properties.
* .kind.abuse: A few events have a kind which is not obvious from the
* type of the objects that the event relates to. They are given the
* kind that that have on the grounds of expected use. The kinds are
* used in controlling the overall volume of telemetry and these events are
* given kinds so that they are grouped under the same control as events
* you are likely to want to see them with. (So for example, lots of
* scanner events have the same kind, Seg, because if you are interested
* in one then you're probably interested in them all and it's a similar
* amount of data).
#ifndef eventdef_h
#define eventdef_h
/* EVENT_VERSION_* -- three part version number
* Increment the minor version when adding new events,
* the median version when changing an existing event,
* and the major version when changing the format of the event file.
* These are passed as parameters to the EventInit event at the start
* of a telemetry stream, allowing that stream to be identified.
#define EVENT_VERSION_MAJOR ((unsigned)1)
#define EVENT_VERSION_MEDIAN ((unsigned)6)
#define EVENT_VERSION_MINOR ((unsigned)1)
/* EVENT_LIST -- list of event types and general properties
* These specify:
* - Type: The name of the event type, without the leading "Event";
* - Code: The unique 16-bit code associated with this event type;
* - Always: Whether this event type should appear in "hot" varieties,
* - Kind: Category into which this event falls, without the
* leading "EventKind";
* When you retire an event type, don't delete it from the list -- comment
* it out. This serves as documentation for what the event code means
* in older logs, and prevents the codes being re-used. See
* <design/telemetry/#.reg.code>.
* TODO: Rather than commenting them out, we should leave them in and mark
* them in some other way, because this header is used by event decoders and
* they still want to decode those events. RB 2012-09-07
* When you add an event type, you must also add an EVENT_*_PARAMS macro
* specify its parameters below.
* TODO: Add a doc string to each event type.
* See also EVENT_*_PARAMS for definition of event parameters.
#define EventNameMAX ((size_t)19)
#define EventCodeMAX ((EventCode)0x0088)
#define EVENT_LIST(EVENT, X) \
/* 0123456789012345678 <- don't exceed without changing EventNameMAX */ \
EVENT(X, AMCGenCreate , 0x0001, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, AMCGenDestroy , 0x0002, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, AMCInit , 0x0003, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, AMCFinish , 0x0004, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, ArenaCreateVM , 0x0005, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaCreateVMNZ , 0x0006, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaWriteFaults , 0x0007, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, MeterInit , 0x0008, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, MeterValues , 0x0009, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, AMCScanBegin , 0x000a, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, AMCScanEnd , 0x000b, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, AMCFix , 0x000c, FALSE, Ref) \
EVENT(X, AMCFixInPlace , 0x000d, FALSE, Ref) \
EVENT(X, AMCFixForward , 0x000e, FALSE, Ref) \
EVENT(X, AMCReclaim , 0x000f, TRUE, Seg) \
/* EVENT(X, AMCTraceEnd , 0x0010, TRUE, Trace) */ \
EVENT(X, ArenaCreateCL , 0x0011, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaDestroy , 0x0012, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, SegAlloc , 0x0013, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, SegFree , 0x0014, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, PoolInit , 0x0015, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolFinish , 0x0016, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolAlloc , 0x0017, TRUE, Object) \
EVENT(X, PoolFree , 0x0018, TRUE, Object) \
EVENT(X, LandInit , 0x0019, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, Intern , 0x001a, TRUE, User) \
EVENT(X, Label , 0x001b, TRUE, User) \
EVENT(X, TraceStart , 0x001c, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, TraceCreate , 0x001d, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, TraceDestroy , 0x001e, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, SegSetGrey , 0x001f, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, TraceFlipBegin , 0x0020, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, TraceFlipEnd , 0x0021, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, TraceReclaim , 0x0022, TRUE, Seg) \
/* EVENT(X, TraceScan , 0x0023, TRUE, Seg) */ \
EVENT(X, TraceAccess , 0x0024, TRUE, Seg) \
/* TracePoll's kind isn't really Trace, but then it isn't Seg either */ \
/* EVENT(X, TracePoll , 0x0025, TRUE, Trace) */ \
EVENT(X, TraceFix , 0x0026, FALSE, Ref) \
EVENT(X, TraceFixSeg , 0x0027, FALSE, Ref) \
EVENT(X, TraceFixWhite , 0x0028, FALSE, Ref) \
/* TraceScanArea{Tagged} abuses kind, see .kind.abuse */ \
EVENT(X, TraceScanArea , 0x0029, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, TraceScanAreaTagged, 0x002a, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, VMInit , 0x002b, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, VMFinish , 0x002c, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, VMMap , 0x002d, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, VMUnmap , 0x002e, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, ArenaExtend , 0x002f, TRUE, Arena) \
/* EVENT(X, ArenaRetract , 0x0030, TRUE, Arena) */ \
/* EVENT(X, TraceSegGreyen , 0x0031, TRUE, Seg) */ \
/* RootScan abuses kind, see .kind.abuse */ \
EVENT(X, RootScan , 0x0032, TRUE, Seg) \
/* TraceStep abuses kind, see .kind.abuse */ \
/* EVENT(X, TraceStep , 0x0033, TRUE, Seg) */ \
EVENT(X, BufferReserve , 0x0034, TRUE, Object) \
EVENT(X, BufferCommit , 0x0035, TRUE, Object) \
/* BufferInit/Finish abuse kind, see .kind.abuse */ \
EVENT(X, BufferInit , 0x0036, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, BufferFinish , 0x0037, TRUE, Pool) \
/* EVENT(X, MVTFinish , 0x0038, TRUE, Pool) */ \
EVENT(X, BufferFill , 0x0039, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, BufferEmpty , 0x003A, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, SegAllocFail , 0x003B, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, TraceScanSeg , 0x003C, TRUE, Seg) \
/* TraceScanSingleRef abuses kind, see .kind.abuse */ \
EVENT(X, TraceScanSingleRef , 0x003D, TRUE, Seg) \
/* EVENT(X, TraceStatCondemn , 0x003E, TRUE, Trace) */ \
EVENT(X, TraceStatScan , 0x003F, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, TraceStatFix , 0x0040, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, TraceStatReclaim , 0x0041, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitMVFF , 0x0042, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitMV , 0x0043, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitMFS , 0x0044, TRUE, Pool) \
/* EVENT(X, PoolInitEPVM , 0x0045, TRUE, Pool) */ \
/* EVENT(X, PoolInitEPDL , 0x0046, TRUE, Pool) */ \
EVENT(X, PoolInitAMS , 0x0047, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitAMC , 0x0048, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitAMCZ , 0x0049, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitAWL , 0x004A, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitLO , 0x004B, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitSNC , 0x004C, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, PoolInitMVT , 0x004D, TRUE, Pool) \
/* EVENT(X, BufferInitEPVM , 0x0050, TRUE, Pool) */ \
EVENT(X, BufferInitSeg , 0x0051, TRUE, Pool) \
EVENT(X, BufferInitRank , 0x0052, TRUE, Pool) \
/* PoolPush/Pop go under Object, because they're user ops. */ \
/* EVENT(X, PoolPush , 0x0060, TRUE, Object) */ \
/* EVENT(X, PoolPop , 0x0061, TRUE, Object) */ \
/* EVENT(X, ReservoirLimitSet , 0x0062, TRUE, Arena) */ \
EVENT(X, CommitLimitSet , 0x0063, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, SpareCommitLimitSet, 0x0064, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaAlloc , 0x0065, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaFree , 0x0066, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaAllocFail , 0x0067, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, SegMerge , 0x0068, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, SegSplit , 0x0069, TRUE, Seg) \
/* Events converted from RHSK's diagnostics */ \
EVENT(X, vmArenaExtendStart , 0x006A, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, vmArenaExtendFail , 0x006B, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, vmArenaExtendDone , 0x006C, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, MessagesDropped , 0x006D, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, MessagesExist , 0x006E, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ChainCondemnAuto , 0x006F, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, TraceFindGrey , 0x0070, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, TraceBandAdvance , 0x0071, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, AWLDeclineTotal , 0x0072, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, AWLDeclineSeg , 0x0073, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, EventInit , 0x0074, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, EventClockSync , 0x0075, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaAccess , 0x0076, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaPoll , 0x0077, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaSetEmergency , 0x0078, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, VMCompact , 0x0079, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, amcScanNailed , 0x0080, TRUE, Seg) \
EVENT(X, AMCTraceEnd , 0x0081, TRUE, Trace) \
EVENT(X, TraceCreatePoolGen , 0x0082, TRUE, Trace) \
/* new events for performance analysis of large heaps. */ \
/* EVENT(X, TraceCondemnZones , 0x0083, TRUE, Trace) */ \
EVENT(X, ArenaGenZoneAdd , 0x0084, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, ArenaUseFreeZone , 0x0085, TRUE, Arena) \
/* EVENT(X, ArenaBlacklistZone , 0x0086, TRUE, Arena) */ \
EVENT(X, PauseTimeSet , 0x0087, TRUE, Arena) \
EVENT(X, TraceEndGen , 0x0088, TRUE, Trace)
/* Remember to update EventNameMAX and EventCodeMAX above!
(These are checked in EventInit.) */
/* EVENT_*_PARAMS -- definition of event parameters
* For each event type in EVENT_LIST, these macros list the parameters of
* the event. The columns are:
* - the positional index of the parameter in the list, used to define
* numeric field names using the C preprocessor
* - the parameter sort, similar to writef (Pointer, Addr, Word, Unsigned,
* String, Double, Bool)
* - a parameter identifier for display or use in code
* TODO: Add a doc string to each parameter.
#define EVENT_AMCGenCreate_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, amc) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, gen)
#define EVENT_AMCGenDestroy_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, gen)
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, amc)
#define EVENT_AMCFinish_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, amc)
#define EVENT_ArenaCreateVM_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, userSize) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, chunkSize)
#define EVENT_ArenaCreateVMNZ_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, userSize) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, chunkSize)
#define EVENT_ArenaWriteFaults_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, writeBarrierHitCount)
#define EVENT_MeterInit_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, meter) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, owner)
#define EVENT_MeterValues_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, meter) \
PARAM(X, 1, D, total) \
PARAM(X, 2, D, meanSquared) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, count) \
PARAM(X, 4, W, max) \
PARAM(X, 5, W, min)
#define EVENT_AMCScanBegin_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, amc) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, seg) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, ss)
PARAM(X, 0, P, amc) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, seg) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, ss)
#define EVENT_AMCFixForward_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, A, newRef)
#define EVENT_AMCReclaim_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, gen) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, trace) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, seg)
#define EVENT_ArenaCreateCL_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, size) \
PARAM(X, 2, A, base)
#define EVENT_ArenaDestroy_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena)
#define EVENT_SegAlloc_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, seg) \
PARAM(X, 2, A, base) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, size) \
PARAM(X, 4, P, pool)
#define EVENT_SegFree_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, seg)
#define EVENT_PoolInit_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, poolClass)
#define EVENT_PoolFinish_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool)
#define EVENT_PoolAlloc_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, pReturn) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, size)
#define EVENT_PoolFree_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, old) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, size)
#define EVENT_LandInit_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, land) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, owner)
#define EVENT_Intern_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, stringId) \
PARAM(X, 1, S, string)
#define EVENT_Label_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, A, address) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, stringId)
#define EVENT_TraceDestroy_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace)
#define EVENT_SegSetGrey_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, seg) \
PARAM(X, 2, U, grey)
#define EVENT_TraceFlipBegin_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, arena)
#define EVENT_TraceFlipEnd_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, arena)
#define EVENT_TraceReclaim_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace)
#define EVENT_TraceAccess_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, seg) \
PARAM(X, 2, U, mode)
#define EVENT_TraceFix_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, ss) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, refIO) \
PARAM(X, 2, A, ref) \
PARAM(X, 3, U, rank)
#define EVENT_TraceFixSeg_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, seg)
#define EVENT_TraceFixWhite_PARAMS(PARAM, X)
#define EVENT_TraceScanArea_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, ss) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, base) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, limit)
#define EVENT_TraceScanAreaTagged_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, ss) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, base) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, limit)
PARAM(X, 0, P, vm) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, base) \
PARAM(X, 2, A, limit)
#define EVENT_VMFinish_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, vm)
PARAM(X, 0, P, vm) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, base) \
PARAM(X, 2, A, limit)
#define EVENT_VMUnmap_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, vm) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, base) \
PARAM(X, 2, A, limit)
#define EVENT_ArenaExtend_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, base) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, size)
#define EVENT_RootScan_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, root) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, ts) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, summary)
#define EVENT_BufferReserve_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, buffer) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, init) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, size)
#define EVENT_BufferCommit_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, buffer) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, p) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, size) \
PARAM(X, 3, A, clientClass)
#define EVENT_BufferInit_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, buffer) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 2, B, isMutator)
#define EVENT_BufferFinish_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, buffer)
#define EVENT_BufferFill_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, buffer) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, size) \
PARAM(X, 2, A, base) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, filled)
#define EVENT_BufferEmpty_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, buffer) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, spare)
#define EVENT_SegAllocFail_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, size) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, pool)
#define EVENT_TraceScanSeg_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, U, ts) \
PARAM(X, 1, U, rank) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 3, P, seg)
#define EVENT_TraceScanSingleRef_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, U, ts) \
PARAM(X, 1, U, rank) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 3, A, refIO)
#define EVENT_TraceStatScan_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, rootScanCount) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, rootScanSize) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, rootCopiedSize) \
PARAM(X, 4, W, segScanCount) \
PARAM(X, 5, W, segScanSize) \
PARAM(X, 6, W, segCopiedSize) \
PARAM(X, 7, W, singleScanCount) \
PARAM(X, 8, W, singleScanSize) \
PARAM(X, 9, W, singleCopiedSize) \
PARAM(X, 10, W, readBarrierHitCount) \
PARAM(X, 11, W, greySegMax) \
PARAM(X, 12, W, pointlessScanCount)
#define EVENT_TraceStatFix_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, fixRefCount) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, segRefCount) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, whiteSegRefCount) \
PARAM(X, 4, W, nailCount) \
PARAM(X, 5, W, snapCount) \
PARAM(X, 6, W, forwardedCount) \
PARAM(X, 7, W, forwardedSize) \
PARAM(X, 8, W, preservedInPlaceCount) \
PARAM(X, 9, W, preservedInPlaceSize)
#define EVENT_TraceStatReclaim_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, reclaimCount) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, reclaimSize)
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, extendBy) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, avgSize) \
PARAM(X, 4, W, align) \
PARAM(X, 5, B, slotHigh) \
PARAM(X, 6, B, arenaHigh) \
PARAM(X, 7, B, firstFit)
#define EVENT_PoolInitMV_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, extendBy) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, avgSize) \
PARAM(X, 4, W, maxSize)
#define EVENT_PoolInitMFS_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, extendBy) \
PARAM(X, 3, B, extendSelf) \
PARAM(X, 4, W, unitSize)
#define EVENT_PoolInitAMS_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, format)
#define EVENT_PoolInitAMC_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, format)
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, format)
#define EVENT_PoolInitAWL_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, format)
#define EVENT_PoolInitLO_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, format)
#define EVENT_PoolInitSNC_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, format)
#define EVENT_PoolInitMVT_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, minSize) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, meanSize) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, maxSize) \
PARAM(X, 4, W, reserveDepth) \
PARAM(X, 5, W, fragLimig)
#define EVENT_BufferInitSeg_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, buffer) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 2, B, isMutator)
#define EVENT_BufferInitRank_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, buffer) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, pool) \
PARAM(X, 2, B, isMutator) \
PARAM(X, 3, U, rank)
#define EVENT_CommitLimitSet_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, limit) \
PARAM(X, 2, U, OK)
#define EVENT_SpareCommitLimitSet_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, limit)
#define EVENT_ArenaAlloc_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, baseTract) \
PARAM(X, 2, A, base) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, size) \
PARAM(X, 4, P, pool)
#define EVENT_ArenaFree_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, A, base) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, size)
#define EVENT_ArenaAllocFail_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, size) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, pool)
#define EVENT_SegMerge_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, segLo) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, segHi)
#define EVENT_SegSplit_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, seg) \
PARAM(X, 1, P, segLo) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, segHi) \
PARAM(X, 3, A, at)
#define EVENT_vmArenaExtendStart_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, size) /* size to accommodate */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, chunkSize) /* chunkSize to try */ \
PARAM(X, 2, W, reserved) /* current VMArenaReserved */
#define EVENT_vmArenaExtendFail_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, chunkMin) /* no remaining address space chunk >= chunkMin */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, reserved) /* current VMArenaReserved */
#define EVENT_vmArenaExtendDone_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, chunkSize) /* request succeeded for chunkSize bytes */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, reserved) /* new VMArenaReserved */
#define EVENT_MessagesDropped_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, count) /* count of messages dropped */
#define EVENT_MessagesExist_PARAMS(PARAM, X)
#define EVENT_ChainCondemnAuto_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, chain) /* chain with gens being condemned */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, topCondemnedGenSerial) /* condemned gens [0..this] */ \
PARAM(X, 2, W, genCount) /* total gens in chain */
#define EVENT_TraceFindGrey_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, ti) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, seg) \
PARAM(X, 3, W, rank)
#define EVENT_TraceBandAdvance_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, ti) \
PARAM(X, 2, W, rank)
#define EVENT_AWLDeclineTotal_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, seg) /* segment declined single access */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, succAccesses) /* total successive accesses */
#define EVENT_AWLDeclineSeg_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, seg) /* segment declined single access */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, singleAccesses) /* single accesses this cycle */
#define EVENT_EventInit_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, U, major) /* EVENT_VERSION_MAJOR */ \
PARAM(X, 1, U, median) /* EVENT_VERSION_MEDIAN */ \
PARAM(X, 2, U, minor) /* EVENT_VERSION_MINOR */ \
PARAM(X, 3, U, maxCode) /* EventCodeMAX */ \
PARAM(X, 4, U, maxNameLen) /* EventNameMAX */ \
PARAM(X, 5, U, wordWidth) /* MPS_WORD_WIDTH */ \
PARAM(X, 6, W, clocksPerSec) /* mps_clocks_per_sec() */
#define EVENT_EventClockSync_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, clock) /* mps_clock() value */
#define EVENT_ArenaAccess_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, count) \
PARAM(X, 2, P, addr) \
PARAM(X, 3, U, mode)
#define EVENT_ArenaPoll_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, W, start) \
PARAM(X, 2, B, workWasDone)
#define EVENT_ArenaSetEmergency_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) \
PARAM(X, 1, B, emergency)
#define EVENT_TraceCreate_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace) /* trace that was created */ \
PARAM(X, 1, P, arena) /* arena in which created */ \
PARAM(X, 2, U, why) /* reason for creation */
#define EVENT_TraceStart_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace) /* trace being started */ \
PARAM(X, 1, D, mortality) /* as passed to TraceStart */ \
PARAM(X, 2, D, finishingTime) /* as passed to TraceStart */ \
PARAM(X, 3, W, condemned) /* condemned bytes */ \
PARAM(X, 4, W, notCondemned) /* collectible but not condemned bytes */ \
PARAM(X, 5, W, foundation) /* foundation size */ \
PARAM(X, 6, W, white) /* white reference set */ \
PARAM(X, 7, W, quantumWork) /* tracing work to be done in each poll */
#define EVENT_VMCompact_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, vmem0) /* pre-collection reserved size */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, vmem1) /* pre-compact reseved size*/ \
PARAM(X, 2, W, vmem2) /* post-compact reserved size */
#define EVENT_amcScanNailed_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, loops) /* number of times around the loop */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, summary) /* summary of segment being scanned */ \
PARAM(X, 2, W, white) /* scan state white set */ \
PARAM(X, 3, W, unfixed) /* scan state unfixed summary */ \
PARAM(X, 4, W, fixed) /* scan state fixed summary */ \
PARAM(X, 5, W, refset) /* scan state refset */
#define EVENT_AMCTraceEnd_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, W, epoch) /* current arena epoch */ \
PARAM(X, 1, U, why) /* reason trace started */ \
PARAM(X, 2, W, grainSize) /* arena grain size */ \
PARAM(X, 3, W, large) /* AMC large size */ \
PARAM(X, 4, W, pRetMin) /* threshold for event */ \
/* remaining parameters are copy of PageRetStruct, which see */ \
PARAM(X, 5, W, pCond) \
PARAM(X, 6, W, pRet) \
PARAM(X, 7, W, pCS) \
PARAM(X, 8, W, pRS) \
PARAM(X, 9, W, sCM) \
PARAM(X, 10, W, pCM) \
PARAM(X, 11, W, sRM) \
PARAM(X, 12, W, pRM) \
PARAM(X, 13, W, pRM1) \
PARAM(X, 14, W, pRMrr) \
PARAM(X, 15, W, pRMr1) \
PARAM(X, 16, W, sCL) \
PARAM(X, 17, W, pCL) \
PARAM(X, 18, W, sRL) \
PARAM(X, 19, W, pRL) \
PARAM(X, 20, W, pRLr)
#define EVENT_TraceCreatePoolGen_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, gendesc) /* generation description */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, capacity) /* capacity of generation */ \
PARAM(X, 2, D, mortality) /* mortality of generation */ \
PARAM(X, 3, W, zone) /* zone set of generation */ \
PARAM(X, 4, P, pool) /* pool */ \
PARAM(X, 5, W, totalSize) /* total size of pool gen */ \
PARAM(X, 6, W, freeSize) /* free size of pool gen */ \
PARAM(X, 7, W, newSize) /* new size of pool gen */ \
PARAM(X, 8, W, oldSize) /* old size of pool gen */ \
PARAM(X, 9, W, newDeferredSize) /* new size (deferred) of pool gen */ \
PARAM(X, 10, W, oldDeferredSize) /* old size (deferred) of pool gen */
#define EVENT_ArenaGenZoneAdd_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) /* the arena */ \
PARAM(X, 1, P, gendesc) /* the generation description */ \
PARAM(X, 2, W, zoneSet) /* the new zoneSet */
#define EVENT_ArenaUseFreeZone_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) /* the arena */ \
PARAM(X, 1, W, zoneSet) /* zones that aren't free any longer */
#define EVENT_PauseTimeSet_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, arena) /* the arena */ \
PARAM(X, 1, D, pauseTime) /* the new maximum pause time, in seconds */
#define EVENT_TraceEndGen_PARAMS(PARAM, X) \
PARAM(X, 0, P, trace) /* the trace */ \
PARAM(X, 1, P, gen) /* the generation */ \
PARAM(X, 2, W, condemned) /* bytes condemned in generation */ \
PARAM(X, 3, W, forwarded) /* bytes forwarded from generation */ \
PARAM(X, 4, W, preservedInPlace) /* bytes preserved in generation */ \
PARAM(X, 5, D, mortality) /* updated mortality */
#endif /* eventdef_h */
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