Ravenbrook / Projects / Memory Pool System / Master Product Sources / Design Documents

Memory Pool System Project

                           incomplete design
                             drj 1997-04-03


.intro: This document describes the MPS Segment data structure.

Document History

.hist.2: The initial draft (replacing various notes in revisions 0 and 1) was 
drafted by Richard Brooksby <richard> on 1997-04-03 as part of editing 

.hist.3: Rewritten to separate segments and tracts, following 
mail.tony.1998-11-02.10-26.  tony 1999-04-16


.over.segments: Segments are the basic units of tracing and shielding.  The MPM 
also uses them as units of scanning and colour, although pool classes may 
subdivide segments and be able to maintain colour on a finer grain (down to the 
object level, for example).

.over.objects: The mutator's objects are stored in segments.  Segments are 
contiguous blocks of memory managed by some pool.  .segments.pool: The 
arrangement of objects within a segment is determined by the class of the pool 
which owns the segment. The pool is associated with the segment indirectly via 
the first tract of the segment.

.over.memory: The relationship between segments and areas of memory is 
maintained by the segment module.  Pools acquire tracts from the arena, and 
release them back to the arena when they don't need them any longer. The 
segment module can associate contiguous tracts owned by the same pool with a 
segment. The segment module provides the methods SegBase, SegLimit, and SegSize 
which map a segment onto the addresses of the memory block it represents.

.over.hierarchy: The Segment datastructure is designed to be subclassable (see 
design.mps.protocol). The basic segment class (Seg) supports colour and 
protection for use by the tracer, as well as support for a pool ring, and all 
generic segment functions. Clients may use Seg directly, but will most probably 
want to use a subclass with additional properties.

.over.hierarchy.gcseg: The segment module provides GCSeg - a subclass of Seg 
which has full support for GC including buffering and the ability to be linked 
onto the grey ring.


typedef struct SegStruct {      /* segment structure */
  Sig sig;                      /* impl.h.misc.sig */
  SegClass class;               /* segment class structure */
  Tract firstTract;             /* first tract of segment */
  RingStruct poolRing;          /* link in list of segs in pool */
  Addr limit;                   /* limit of segment */
  unsigned depth : SHIELD_DEPTH_WIDTH; /* see impl.c.shield.def.depth */
  AccessSet pm : AccessMAX;     /* protection mode, impl.c.shield */
  AccessSet sm : AccessMAX;     /* shield mode, impl.c.shield */
  TraceSet grey : TRACE_MAX;    /* traces for which seg is grey */
  TraceSet white : TRACE_MAX;   /* traces for which seg is white */
  TraceSet nailed : TRACE_MAX;  /* traces for which seg has nailed objects */
  RankSet rankSet : RankMAX;    /* ranks of references in this seg */
} SegStruct;

typedef struct GCSegStruct {    /* GC segment structure */
  SegStruct segStruct;          /* superclass fields must come first */
  RingStruct greyRing;          /* link in list of grey segs */
  RefSet summary;               /* summary of references out of seg */
  Buffer buffer;                /* non-NULL if seg is buffered */
  Sig sig;                      /* design.mps.sig */
} GCSegStruct;

.field.rankSet: The "rankSet" field represents the set of ranks of the 
references in the segment.  It is initialized to empty by SegInit.  
.field.rankSet.single: The Tracer only permits one rank per segment [ref?] so 
this field is either empty or a singleton.  .field.rankSet.empty: An empty 
rankSet indicates that there are no references.  If there are no references in 
the segment then it cannot contain black or grey references.  
.field.rankSet.start: If references are stored in the segment then it must be 
updated, along with the summary (.field.summary.start).

.field.depth: The "depth" field is used by the Shield (impl.c.shield) to manage 
protection of the segment.  It is initialized to zero by SegInit.

.field.sm: The "sm" field is used by the Shield (impl.c.shield) to manage 
protection of the segment.  It is initialized to AccessSetEMPTY by SegInit.

.field.pm: The "pm" field is used by the Shield (impl.c.shield) to manage 
protection of the segment.  It is initialized to AccessSetEMPTY by SegInit.  
The field is used by both the shield and the ANSI fake protection 

.field.black: The "black" field is the set of traces for which there may be 
black objects (i.e. objects containing references, but no references to white 
objects) in the segment.  More precisely, if there is a black object for a 
trace in the segment then that trace will appear in the "black" field.  It is 
initialized to TraceSetEMPTY by SegInit.

.field.grey: The "grey" field is the set of traces for which there may be grey 
objects (i.e containing references to white objects) in the segment.  More 
precisely, if there is a reference to a white object for a trace in the segment 
then that trace will appear in the "grey" field.  It is initialized to 
TraceSetEMPTY by SegInit.

.field.white: The "white" field is the set of traces for which there may be 
white objects in the segment.  More precisely, if there is a white object for a 
trace in the segment then that trace will appear in the "white" field.  It is 
initialized to TraceSetEMPTY by SegInit.

.field.summary: The "summary" field is an approximation to the set of all 
references in the segment.  If there is a reference R in the segment, then 
RefSetIsMember(summary, R) is TRUE.  The summary is initialized to RefSetEMPTY 
by SegInit.  .field.summary.start: If references are stored in the segment then 
it must be updated, along with rankSet (.field.rankSet.start).

.field.buffer: The "buffer" field is either NULL, or points to the descriptor 
structure of the buffer which is currently allocating in the segment.  The 
field is initialized to NULL by SegInit.  .field.buffer.owner: This buffer must 
belong to the same pool as the segment, because only that pool has the right to 
attach it.


Splitting and Merging

.split-and-merge: There is support for splitting and merging segments, to give 
pools the flexibility to rearrange their tracts among segments as they see fit.

.split: Segments may be split with the function SegSplit

Res SegSplit(Seg *segLoReturn, Seg *segHiReturn, Seg seg, Addr at,
             Bool withReservoirPermit, ...);

If successful, segment "seg" is split at address "at", yielding two segments 
which are returned in segLoReturn and segHiReturn for the low and high segments 
respectively. The base of the low segment is the old base of "seg". The limit 
of the low segment is "at". The base of the high segment is "at". This limit of 
the high segment is the old limit of "seg". "seg" is effectively destroyed 
during this operation (actually, it might be reused as one of the returned 
segments). Segment subclasses may make use of the optional arguments; the 
built-in classes do not.

.split.invariants: The client must ensure some invariants are met before 
calling SegSplit:

.split.inv.align: "at" must be appropriately aligned to the arena alignment, 
and lie between the base and limit of "seg". Justification: the split segments 
cannot be represented if this is not so.

.split.inv.buffer: If "seg" is attached to a buffer, the buffered region must 
not include address "at". Justification: the segment module is not in a 
position to know how (or whether) a pool might wish to split a buffer. This 
permits the buffer to remain attached to just one of the returned segments.

.split.state: Except as noted above, the segments returned have the same 
properties as "seg". I.e. their colour, summary, rankset, nailedness etc. are 
set to the values of "seg".

.merge: Segments may be merged with the function SegMerge

Res SegMerge(Seg *mergedSegReturn, Seg segLo, Seg segHi,
             Bool withReservoirPermit, ...);

If successful, segments "segLo" and "segHi" are merged together, yielding a 
segment which is returned in mergedSegReturn. "segLo" and "segHi" are 
effectively destroyed during this operation (actually, one of them might be 
reused as the merged segment). Segment subclasses may make use of the optional 
arguments; the built-in classes do not.

.merge.invariants: The client must ensure some invariants are met before 
calling SegMerge:

.merge.inv.abut: The limit of "segLo" must be the same as the base of "segHi". 
Justification: the merged segment cannot be represented if this is not so.

.merge.inv.buffer: One or other of "segLo" and "segHi" may attached to a 
buffer, but not both. Justification: the segment module does not support 
attachment of a single seg to 2 buffers.

.merge.inv.similar: "segLo" and "segHi" must be sufficiently similar. Two 
segments are sufficiently similar if they have identical values for each of the 
following fields: class, sm, grey, white, nailed, rankSet. Justification: there 
is no single choice of behaviour for cases where these fields are not 
identical. The pool class must make it's own choices about this if it wishes to 
permit more flexible merging. If so, it should be a simple matter for the pool 
to arrange for the segments to look sufficiently similar before calling 

.merge.state: The merged segment will share the same state as "segLo" and 
"segHi" for those fields which are identical (see .merge.inv.similar). The 
summary will be the union of the summaries of "segLo" and "segHi".


Splitting and Merging

.method.split: Segment subclasses may extend the support for segment splitting 
by defining their own "split" method.

Res segSplit(Seg seg, Seg segHi, 
             Addr base, Addr mid, Addr limit,
             Bool withReservoirPermit, va_list args)

On entry, "seg" is a segment with region [base,limit), "segHi" is 
uninitialized, "mid" is the address at which the segment is to be split. The 
method is responsible for destructively modifying "seg" and initializing 
"segHi" so that on exit "seg" is a segment with region [base,mid) and segHi is 
a segment with region [mid,limit). Usually a method would only directly modify 
the fields defined for the segment subclass. This might involve allocation, 
which may use the reservoir if "withReservoirPermit" is TRUE. 
.method.split.next: A split method should always call the next method, either 
before or after any class-specific code (see design.mps.protocol

.method.merge: Segment subclasses may extend the support for segment merging by 
defining their own "merge" method.

Res segMerge(Seg seg, Seg segHi, 
             Addr base, Addr mid, Addr limit,
             Bool withReservoirPermit, va_list args)

On entry, "seg" is a segment with region [base,mid), "segHi" is a segment with 
region [mid,limit), The method is responsible for destructively modifying "seg" 
and finishing "segHi" so that on exit "seg" is a segment with region 
[base,limit) and segHi is garbage. Usually a method would only modify the 
fields defined for the segment subclass. This might involve allocation, which 
may use the reservoir if "withReservoirPermit" is TRUE. .method.merge.next: A 
merge method should always call the next method, either before or after any 
class-specific code (see design.mps.protocol.overview.next-method).

.split-merge.shield: Split and merge methods may assume that the segments they 
are manipulating are not in the shield cache. .split-merge.shield.flush: The 
shield cache is flushed before any split or merge methods are invoked. 
.split-merge.shield.re-flush: If a split or merge method performs an operation 
on a segment which might cause the segment to be cached, the method must flush 
the shield cache before returning or calling another split or merge method.

.split-merge.fail: Split and merge methods might fail, in which case segments 
"seg" and "segHi" must be equivalently valid and configured at exit as they 
were according to the entry conditions. It's simplest if the failure can be 
detected before calling the next method (e.g. by allocating any objects early 
in the method). .split-merge.fail.anti: If it's not possible to detect failure 
before calling the next method, the appropriate anti-method must be used (see 
design.mps.protocol.guide.fail.after-next). Split methods are anti-methods for 
merge methods, and vice-versa. .split-merge.fail.anti.constrain: In general, 
care should be taken when writing split and merge methods to ensure that they 
really are anti-methods for each other. The anti-method must not fail if the 
initial method succeeded. The anti-method should reverse any side effects of 
the initial method, except where it's known to be safe to avoid this (see 
.split-merge.fail.summary for an example of a safe case).  
.split-merge.fail.anti.no: If this isn't possible (it might not be) then the 
methods won't support after-next failure. This fact should be documented, if 
the methods are intended to support further specialization. Note that using 
va_arg with the "args" parameter is sufficient to make it impossible to reverse 
all side effects.

.split-merge.fail.summary: The segment summary might not be restored exactly 
after a failed merge operation. Each segment would be left with a summary which 
is the union of the original summaries (see .merge.state). This increases the 
conservatism in the summaries, but is otherwise safe.

.split-merge.unsupported: Segment classes need not support segment merging at 
all. The function SegClassMixInNoSplitMerge is supplied to set the split and 
merge methods to unsupporting methods that will report an error in checking 

A. References

B. Document History

2002-06-07 RB Converted from MMInfo database design document.