Ravenbrook / Projects / Perforce Defect Tracking Integration / Version 1.3 Product Sources / Procedures

Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Project

Procedure for updating and testing the TeamShare API

Gareth Rees, Ravenbrook Limited, 2001-06-25

1. Introduction

This document describes the procedure for rebuilding the P4DTI to use a new release of the TeamShare API, and testing it.

The intended readership is TeamShare engineering and SQA staff.

This document is not confidential.

2. Outline procedure

  1. Obtain the latest release of the Perforce defect tracking integration kit, as follows. Go to http://www.perforce.com/public/perforce/p4dti/index.html#kit, pick the latest release. The file you want will be called something like p4dti-kit-RELEASE.zip.

  2. Alternatively, Ravenbrook may send you development snapshots of the integration kit. The procedure is the same in either case.

  3. Download the kit and unpack it on a test machine in a suitable directory. (I'll call this directory KIT-HOME in the following).

  4. Check that the P4DTI works with the old API before trying anything new. This helps you to distinguish failures in your setup from failures in the new API. Follow these steps:

    1. Install a release of TeamTrack that's supported by the P4DTI kit release you have. Look in the release-notes.txt that came with the kit to see what's supported.

    2. Build the P4DTI with the old TeamShare API by following section 2.1.

    3. Test the P4DTI with the old TeamShare API by following section 2.2.

  5. Once you have the P4DTI working with the support TeamTrack, you're ready to update the API.

  6. Replace the .C and .h files in the directory KIT-HOME/code/tsapi/ with the new TeamShare API.

  7. Check that the P4DTI works with the new API. Follow these steps:

    1. Install the TeamTrack release that's supported by your updated API.

    2. Build the P4DTI with the updated TeamShare API by following section 2.1.

    3. Test the P4DTI with the updated TeamShare API by following section 2.2.

2.1. Building the Python interface to TeamTrack

  1. Run Microsoft Visual C++.

  2. Choose File > Open Workspace and open the workspace file KIT-HOME/code/p4dti.dsw.

  3. Add any new TeamShare API source files to the tsapi project.

  4. Make teamtrack the active project and select Build > Rebuild All.

  5. If you get compilation errors, you could (a) do your best to fix them now and report them to Ravenbrook later; or (b) ask Ravenbrook to help you fix them.

2.2. Testing the Python interface to TeamTrack

Here are the preconditions:

  1. Make sure that you have Python on your computer. If not, download Python 2.0 from http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/import/2000-10-18/Python-2.0/BeOpen-Python-2_0.exe and install it.

  2. Download the Python unit test framework from http://download.sourceforge.net/pyunit/pyunit-1.3.1.zip and install it by putting the file unittest.py in your Python library directory (this will be something like C:\Program Files\Python20\Lib\).

  3. Set up a sample TeamTrack database.

  4. Create a test configuration. First, copy KIT-HOME/code/replicator/config.py to KIT-HOME/test/test_HOSTNAME.py (where HOSTNAME is the least significant part of the hostname of your testing machine. (On Windows NT, run the hostname command and lowercase the output.)

  5. Second, edit the configuration so that it has appropriate values for teamtrack_server, teamtrack_user and teamtrack_password. Follow the instructions in the P4DTI Administrator's Guide, section 5.1, if in doubt.

And here are the test steps.

  1. Open a command window, change directory to KIT-HOME/test, run the command python test_teamtrack.py.

  2. If you get errors from the TeamShare API, run the test in the debugger.

3. Testing the P4DTI

To test the P4DTI itself with the updated TeamShare API:

  1. Download the latest release of Perforce from http://www.perforce.com/perforce/loadprog.html and install it. (If you need extra licences for testing, contact Perforce support and explain what you're doing.)

  2. Follow section 2 until the updated API passes the basic tests.

  3. Follow the instructions in the P4DTI Administrator's Guide [RB 2000-08-10a] to configure and run the P4DTI. (But use the directory KIT-HOME/code/replicator/ where the Administrator's Guide refers to the "installation directory", for example when editing config.py.)

  4. Take an issue through its lifecycle, follow the steps in the P4DTI User's Guide [RB 2000-08-10b] to update and fix the issue.

A. References

[RB 2000-08-10a] "Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Administrator's Guide"; Richard Brooksby; Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-08-10.
[RB 2000-08-10b] "Perforce Defect Tracking Integration User's Guide"; Richard Brooksby; Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-08-10.

B. Document History

2001-06-25 GDR Created.

Copyright © 2001 Ravenbrook Limited. This document is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this document. You may make and distribute verbatim copies of this document provided that you do not charge a fee for this document or for its distribution.

$Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/version/1.3/procedure/teamshare-api-update/index.html#2 $

Ravenbrook / Projects / Perforce Defect Tracking Integration / Version 1.3 Product Sources / Procedures