Title | Unnecessary warnings during user and issue migration |
Status | closed |
Priority | optional |
Assigned user | Nick Barnes |
Organization | Ravenbrook |
Description | Recent versions of MySQL will produce warnings when creating Bugzilla bugs or users from Perforce jobs or users using the migration support in the P4DTI. This is because the Bugzilla schema has changed such that some fields which are not explicitly set do not have default values (profiles.disabledtext and bugs.delta_ts). |
Analysis | Ensure that these fields get values in dt_bugzilla.add_user and dt_bugzilla.add_bug. |
How found | automated_test |
Evidence | Running automated test suite with MySQL 5.0 and P4DTI 2.4.2. |
Observed in | 2.4.2 |
Created by | Nick Barnes |
Created on | 2009-03-03 14:54:18 |
Last modified by | Nick Barnes |
Last modified on | 2009-03-03 14:54:33 |
History | 2009-03-03 NB Created. |