Title | AG has incorrect MySQL version numbers |
Status | closed |
Priority | essential |
Assigned user | Nick Barnes |
Organization | Ravenbrook |
Description | The P4DTI Administrator's Guide has out-of-date information on the supported versions of MySQL. |
Analysis | Also check versions of MySQLdb etc. |
How found | customer |
Evidence | <http://info.ravenbrook.com/mail/2007/08/03/01-12-54/0.txt > |
Observed in | 2.4.0 |
Introduced in | 2.4.0 |
Created by | Nick Barnes |
Created on | 2007-08-10 14:52:37 |
Last modified by | Nick Barnes |
Last modified on | 2007-08-10 15:49:19 |
History | 2007-08-10 NB Created. |