Title | Bugzilla integration breaks migration if numeric fields are replicated |
Status | closed |
Priority | optional |
Assigned user | Nick Barnes |
Organization | Ravenbrook |
Description | Bugzilla bugs include a small number of numeric fields. One is actually a bitset ('groupset'), one is a genuine number ('votes'), and the rest are actually booleans: 'everconfirmed', 'qacontact_accessible', 'cclist_accessible', 'assignee_accessible', 'reporter_accessible'. If one of these fields is in 'replicated_fields', then migrating jobs without a translate_jobspec function to fill in a numeric value for this field will cause the migration to fail. The failure is reported with this message: Bugzilla module error: (P4DTI-5117) Perforce field value '' could not be translated to a number for replication to Bugzilla. |
Analysis | The int_translator doesn't translate '' to zero, as perhaps it should. Also the new_issue method doesn't like setting 'votes', even to zero. |
How found | inspection |
Evidence | include 'votes' in replicated_fields and run test_p4dti.py:migrate |
Observed in | 1.4.0 |
Introduced in | 1.3.0 |
Test procedure | include 'votes' in replicated_fields and run test_p4dti.py:migrate |
Created by | Nick Barnes |
Created on | 2002-04-03 17:37:26 |
Last modified by | Nick Barnes |
Last modified on | 2002-04-09 12:53:36 |
History | 2002-04-03 NB Created. |
Change | Effect | Date | User | Description |
27829 | closed | 2002-04-03 17:44:03 | Nick Barnes | migrate to Bugzilla even when replicating numeric fields. |