P4DTI issue job000004

Title"p4 -G jobspec -o" doesn't work
Assigned userGareth Rees
Description"p4 -G jobspec -o" doesn't work
Here's a dialog with Perforce illustrating the problem.
$ p4 -G jobspec -o | python -c "import marshal, sys; print marshal.load(sys.stdin)"
{'severity': 3, 'data': "Error detected at line 22.\012Unknown field name 'Values-Status'.\012", 'code': 'error', 'generic': 1}
AnalysisThis problem is present in the Perforce 2000.1 release.
It is critical that this is fixed, otherwise the administrator will have to add fields to the jobspec by hand or using a separate tool, and there is a risk that this won't be done and the databases will be inconsistent and we'll fail to meet requirement 1.
Christopher Seiwald discusses the problem in [Seiwald 2000-09-08] and describes the solution in [Seiwald 2000-11-13].
When this is fixed, we'll add code in the replicator initialization that automatically adds the new fields and suitable comments to the jobspec.
How foundmanual_test
Evidence[GDR 2000-09-08] "'p4 -G jobspec -o' doesn't work" (e-mail message); Gareth Rees; 2000-09-08; <URL: http://info.ravenbrook.com/mail/2000/09/08/16-54-03/0.txt>.
[Seiwald 2000-09-08] "Re: 'p4 -G jobspec -o' doesn't work" (e-mail message); Christopher Seiwald; 2000-09-08; <URL: http://info.ravenbrook.com/mail/2000/09/08/19-09-51/0.txt>.
[Seiwald 2000-11-13] "Re: [dt] Issues for Perforce to resolve by beta release" (e-mail message); Christopher Seiwald; Perforce Software; 2000-11-13; <http://info.ravenbrook.com/mail/2000/11/13/17-50-00/0.txt>.
Test procedure<http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/master/test/test_p4dti.py>
Created byGareth Rees
Created on2000-09-13 18:17:59
Last modified byGareth Rees
Last modified on2010-10-06 21:18:43
History2000-09-13 GDR Created.
2000-11-28 RB Tidied up. Added priority. Closed, as this is fixed in 2000.2 [Seiwald 2000-11-13].


Change Effect Date User Description
5529 closed 2000-12-06 12:13:09 Richard Brooksby Changing the UG to reflect the "p4 submit -s" behaviour now that Perforce have fixed it.
Changing the AG to insist on a particular changelevel of the server that includes that fix, in case anyone has downloaded an earlier Perforce 2000.2 beta and thinks it will work.