Known issues in P4DTI release 1.4.2

This list may include some issues incorrectly, because "p4 fixes -i" does not report a fix for a version branch if the files changed by the fix were deleted on the masters before the version branch was taken.

Job Priority Title
job000305 essential tTrack: mystery empty transition failure
job000324 essential Bugzilla patch doesn't work well on Solaris 8
job000389 essential Bugzilla integration not supported on Windows
job000412 optional Can't migrate users from Perforce to TeamTrack automatically
job000460 essential P4DTI not known to support unicode
job000481 essential TeamTrack transition not replicated from P4D 2002.1 beta (29455) on submit of pending changelist
job000482 essential P4DTI Windows Service stalls after a few days
job000518 optional migrate_users doesn't add the P4DTI user to Bugzilla
job000522 essential P4DTI may fail if Perforce client exists and is broken
job000533 essential p4_user with wrong email address confuses Bugzilla user translator
job000551 essential P4DTI kit for Unix has DOS line endings
job000552 essential Bugzilla for Windows integration is in separate source tree
job000596 essential Automatic test expects a bug to replicate on first poll
job000607 essential Bugzilla 2.16.1 not supported
job000608 essential Bugzilla 2.14 security patch releases not supported.
job000609 essential Test suite for Bugzilla on Windows doesn't work
job000610 essential Bugzilla/Windows integration doesn't support processmail
job000611 essential TeamTrack test database licenses expired
job000612 optional Bugzilla integration doesn't check use_windows_event_log config parameter
job000613 essential TeamTrack interface MSVC workspace is confused
job000614 essential TeamTrack tests run when configured for Bugzilla on Windows
job000615 essential Bugzilla shows extra changelists with multiple Perforce servers
job000616 optional Linux/Unix system log usage not configurable
job000617 optional Test suite not very useful under Python 2.2
job000624 essential Licence still says copyright 2001.
job000629 optional Sense of release notes "what's new" is reversed
job000630 essential Can't restrict State field values by TeamTrack project
job000632 optional AG says "" not "doeditparams.cgi"
job000692 essential replicate_p documentation needs more examples
job000693 essential Changing rid and running refresh script causes confusion
job000694 essential check_jobs doesn't work on Windows if .py file association is set
job000695 essential AG doesn't specify using P4 'admin' access level
job000696 essential P4DTI documentation covers old defect tracker versions
job000698 essential P4DTI installation docs are lengthy and confusing
job000699 essential P4DTI doesn't allow customizable jobspec
job000700 essential Perforce user password is disclosed on command line
job000704 essential Bugzilla fixes table shows the fixer, not the changer
job000756 essential MySQL privilege required and not documented
job000792 essential Can't detect Bugzilla versions since 2.16
job000811 essential P4DTI doesn't work with Perforce 2003.2beta
job000827 essential P4DTI test suite with PyXML 0.8.3 fails without XHTML DTD file
job000828 optional "licence" should read "license"
job000829 essential Some messages listed in the AG can never appear.
job000830 essential No way to check the jobspec
job000831 essential No way to just extend the jobspec
job000832 nice P4DTI checksum script doesn't know jobspec scripts
job000833 essential Bugzilla 2.16.4 not supported.
job000907 essential UG makes incorrect statements about p4 change "-s" option
job000963 essential P4DTI does not support Bugzilla 2.18
job000964 essential Bugzilla emails give incorrect values for user fields
job000971 essential No P4DTI section when Bz 2.17+ bug is "formatted for printing"
job000975 essential User guide does not mention P4V
job001098 essential Python 2.4 breaks
job001119 essential Can't run as Windows Service with Python 2.4
job001120 optional Bugzilla schema documentation doesn't cover recent versions
job001121 essential P4DTI doesn't support Bugzilla 2.16.7.
job001122 optional P4DTI not tested against Bugzilla 2.18rc3.
job001123 essential No Bugzilla 2.18 support
job001124 essential P4DTI doesn't support Bugzilla 2.16.8.
job001260 essential P4DTI can't handle null fields in Bugzilla
job001261 essential test suite breaks MySQL on Windows
job001689 essential Bugzilla 3.0 not supported
job001690 essential Update set of supported Bugzilla releases
job001691 critical new Bugzilla parameter access breaks P4DTI patch
job001692 essential Bugzilla 3.0 not recognised by P4DTI replicator
job001693 essential Single-select custom fields not replicated correctly
job001694 essential Bad names for custom fields
job001695 essential Perforce section not appearing in Bugzilla 3.0 bug form
job001696 essential Recent MySQLdb releases not supported
job001697 essential MySQL 5.0 breaks P4DTI
job001698 essential Bugzilla field name change breaks P4DTI
job001699 essential MySQL 5.0 doesn't like 0 in datetime fields
job001700 optional MySQL 5.0 complains at non-default fields
job002051 essential MySQLdb version testing doesn't check for unicode support
job002052 essential Can't output Unicode content in log messages
job002053 essential Unicode replication fails
job002055 optional Unnecessary warnings during user and issue migration
job002084 essential P4DTI does no MySQL version detection