Ravenbrook / Projects / Perforce Defect Tracking Integration / Master Product Sources

Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Project

Python interface to TeamTrack: code

Gareth Rees, Ravenbrook Limited, 2000-08-29

1. Introduction

This is a Python extension library that provides an interface to TeamTrack. See [GDR 2000-08-08] for the design.

This document will be modified as the product is developed.

The readership of this document is the product developers.

This document is not confidential.

2. Code

shell.py Shell for interactively testing the Python extension library.
teamtrack.dsp Microsoft Developer Studio project file for the Python extension library.
teamtrack-module.cpp The teamtrack Python module definition.
teamtrack-module.h Common definitions for the project.
teamtrack-record.cpp Class definition for Python wrapper class around TSRecord.
teamtrack-record.h Definitions needed for Python wrapper class around TSRecord.
teamtrack-server.cpp Class definition for Python wrapper class around TSServer.
teamtrack-server.h Definitions needed for Python wrapper class around TSServer.
teamtrack_test.py Test script for the Python interface to TeamTrack.

A. References

[GDR 2000-08-08] "Python interface to TeamTrack: design"; Gareth Rees; Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-08-08.

B. Document History

2000-08-29 GDR Created.
2000-08-29 GDR Links changed to reflect renaming.

Copyright © 2000 Ravenbrook Limited. This document is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this document. You may make and distribute copies and derivative works of this document provided that (1) you do not charge a fee for this document or for its distribution, and (2) you retain as they appear all copyright and licence notices and document history entries, and (3) you append descriptions of your modifications to the document history.

$Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/branch/2000-12-07/document-history/code/python-teamtrack-interface/index.html#1 $

Ravenbrook / Projects / Perforce Defect Tracking Integration / Master Product Sources