.. _design-old: Old design ********** .. warning:: Much of the documentation in this section is very old: some of it dates back to the origin of the MPS in 1995. It has not been brought up to date or checked for correctness, so it is mainly of historical interest. As pieces of documentation are brought up to date, they will be moved to the main :ref:`design` section. .. toctree:: :numbered: alloc-frame arena arenavm bt buffer check class-interface collection diag finalize fix io lib lock locus message message-gc object-debug pool poolamc poolams poolawl poollo poolmfs poolmrg poolmv poolmvt poolmvff prot protan protli protsu protocol pthreadext reservoir root scan seg shield sso1al strategy telemetry tests thread-manager thread-safety trace version-library version vm vman vmo1 vmso writef