# impl.makefile.s7ppac: S7PPAC MPW MAKE FILE # # $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/version/1.105/code/s7ppac/Makefile#1 $ # # Copyright (c) 2001 Ravenbrook Limited. See end of file for license. # .limit.epcore: This only knows about making the mmsw libraries for # MM/EP-core. # # .usage: To invoke: # # directory {...}s7ppac # BuildProgram -d Variety mmsw # # (this builds mmsw_TI.o, mmsw_HI.o, and mmsw_WE.o) # # to clean everything else away: # # directory {...}s7ppac # BuildProgram -d Variety clean # # Notes: # # .dep.accum: If several single-f rules all produce the same product # (left-hand-side of the f), they act together: at most one may have a # body, the others only add additional dependencies. # Options cribbed from SWbuild!macos:rules:rulemrc4.make(trunk.3) CC_OPT_CONTROL= -nomfmem -y "{TempFolder}" CC_OPT_SOURCE= -inclpath nosystem CC_OPT_OBJECT= -align power -char signed -enum int -fp_contract off -ldsize 128 -target ppc CC_OPTT_AbsAPAD= -ansi strict -proto strict -typecheck strict # Plus "warnings are errors": CC_OPTT={CC_OPTT_AbsAPAD} -w error CC_OPTR_Dbg= -opt off -sym on -tb on CC_OPTR_Qkb= -opt off -sym off -tb on CC_OPTR_Spd= -opt speed,nounroll -sym off -tb on CC_OPTR_= -opt speed,nounroll -sym off -w 35 SYS_CINCLUDES= -i {CIncludes96} BB_OPT_CONTROL= -nomf -linkfaster on BB_OPT_SOURCE= BB_OPT_OBJECT= -xm Library BB_OPTR_Dbg= -sym on BB_OPTR_Qkb= -sym off BB_OPTR_Spd= -sym off BB_OPTR_= -sym off PRODDEFINES= -d CONFIG_VAR_{Variety} -d CONFIG_PROD_EPCORE ":" Ä "::" OSffx = .c.{Variety}.o .c.TI.o Ä .c {MPWCommands96}MrC2.0.2d1 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {CC_OPTT} ¶ {CC_OPTR_Dbg} ¶ {CC_OPT_CONTROL} {CC_OPT_SOURCE} {CC_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {ENVDEFINES} {PRODDEFINES} ¶ {SYS_CINCLUDES} ¶ {DepDir}{Default}.c .c.CI.o Ä .c {MPWCommands96}MrC2.0.2d1 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {CC_OPTT} ¶ {CC_OPTR_Dbg} ¶ {CC_OPT_CONTROL} {CC_OPT_SOURCE} {CC_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {ENVDEFINES} {PRODDEFINES} ¶ {SYS_CINCLUDES} ¶ {DepDir}{Default}.c .c.HI.o Ä .c {MPWCommands96}MrC2.0.2d1 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {CC_OPTT} ¶ {CC_OPTR_} ¶ {CC_OPT_CONTROL} {CC_OPT_SOURCE} {CC_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {ENVDEFINES} {PRODDEFINES} ¶ {SYS_CINCLUDES} ¶ {DepDir}{Default}.c .c.HE.o Ä .c {MPWCommands96}MrC2.0.2d1 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {CC_OPTT} ¶ {CC_OPTR_} ¶ {CC_OPT_CONTROL} {CC_OPT_SOURCE} {CC_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {ENVDEFINES} {PRODDEFINES} ¶ {SYS_CINCLUDES} ¶ {DepDir}{Default}.c .c.WE.o Ä .c {MPWCommands96}MrC2.0.2d1 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {CC_OPTT} ¶ {CC_OPTR_} ¶ {CC_OPT_CONTROL} {CC_OPT_SOURCE} {CC_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {ENVDEFINES} {PRODDEFINES} ¶ {SYS_CINCLUDES} ¶ {DepDir}{Default}.c # version.o has a special rule so that it is always built version{OSffx} Ä $OutOfDate mmsw_{Variety}.o Ä ¶ version{OSffx} ¶ assert{OSffx} ¶ ring{OSffx} ¶ mpm{OSffx} ¶ bt{OSffx} ¶ boot{OSffx} ¶ arenacl{OSffx} ¶ arenavmx{OSffx} ¶ locus{OSffx} ¶ arena{OSffx} ¶ global{OSffx} ¶ tract{OSffx} ¶ walk{OSffx} ¶ reserv{OSffx} ¶ pool{OSffx} ¶ poolmfs{OSffx} ¶ poolmv{OSffx} ¶ root{OSffx} ¶ format{OSffx} ¶ buffer{OSffx} ¶ ref{OSffx} ¶ trace{OSffx} ¶ protsw{OSffx} ¶ shield{OSffx} ¶ than{OSffx} ¶ ssan{OSffx} ¶ mpsi{OSffx} ¶ ld{OSffx} ¶ poolabs{OSffx} ¶ poolepdl{OSffx} ¶ poolepvm{OSffx} ¶ poolams{OSffx} ¶ protocol{OSffx} ¶ action{OSffx} ¶ seg{OSffx} ¶ sac{OSffx} ¶ event{OSffx} ¶ mpsioan{OSffx} ¶ dbgpool{OSffx} ¶ meter{OSffx} ¶ poolmrg{OSffx} ¶ poolmvff{OSffx} ¶ splay{OSffx} ¶ cbs{OSffx} ¶ message{OSffx} mmsw_TI.o Ä # .dep.accum {MPWCommands97}PPCLink1.5 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {BB_OPTR_Dbg} ¶ {BB_OPT_CONTROL} {BB_OPT_SOURCE} {BB_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {Deps} mmsw_CI.o Ä # .dep.accum {MPWCommands97}PPCLink1.5 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {BB_OPTR_Dbg} ¶ {BB_OPT_CONTROL} {BB_OPT_SOURCE} {BB_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {Deps} mmsw_HI.o Ä # .dep.accum {MPWCommands97}PPCLink1.5 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {BB_OPTR_} ¶ {BB_OPT_CONTROL} {BB_OPT_SOURCE} {BB_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {Deps} mmsw_HE.o Ä # .dep.accum {MPWCommands97}PPCLink1.5 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {BB_OPTR_} ¶ {BB_OPT_CONTROL} {BB_OPT_SOURCE} {BB_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {Deps} mmsw_WE.o Ä # .dep.accum {MPWCommands97}PPCLink1.5 ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {BB_OPTR_} ¶ {BB_OPT_CONTROL} {BB_OPT_SOURCE} {BB_OPT_OBJECT} ¶ {Deps} cleanall Ä Delete Å.o clean Ä Delete Å.c.Å.o mmsw Ä BuildProgram -d Variety=TI mmsw_TI.o BuildProgram -d Variety=HI mmsw_HI.o BuildProgram -d Variety=WE mmsw_WE.o # C. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE # # Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ravenbrook Limited . # All rights reserved. This is an open source license. Contact # Ravenbrook for commercial licensing options. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how # to obtain complete source code for this software and any accompanying # software that uses this software. The source code must either be # included in the distribution or be available for no more than the cost # of distribution plus a nominal fee, and must be freely redistributable # under reasonable conditions. For an executable file, complete source # code means the source code for all modules it contains. It does not # include source code for modules or files that typically accompany the # major components of the operating system on which the executable file # runs. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.