Title | Time and space overheads are high |
Status | open |
Priority | optional |
Assigned user | David Lovemore |
Organization | Ravenbrook |
Description | We spend a lot of time collecting in clasp. And the heap size grows very large. This happens in clasp, and we suspect to some extend in CET as well. |
Analysis | We promote too many objects to higher generations without collecting it frequently enough. These extra objects cause extra scanning. This may be partially because we have pinned nursery objects. A robust and reasonable solution is to collect generation k every 2**k nursery collections. Then objects are collected after the length of time they have been alive for approximately. |
How found | manual_test |
Evidence | [1] Ideas about Strategy https://info.ravenbrook.com/mail/2018/07/28/17-48-12/0/ [2] Re: Ideas about Strategy https://info.ravenbrook.com/mail/2018/07/28/17-58-20/0/ [3] Re: Ideas about Strategy https://info.ravenbrook.com/mail/2018/08/15/15-30-22/0/ |
Created by | David Lovemore |
Created on | 2018-08-17 10:04:45 |
Last modified by | Gareth Rees |
Last modified on | 2018-08-28 11:17:06 |
History | 2018-08-17 DL Created |