Title | Segs are not Exposed when AMSBlacken calls amsIterate |
Status | open |
Priority | optional |
Assigned user | David Lovemore |
Organization | Ravenbrook |
Description | amsIterate calls the format skip method. Normally this is called from AMSScan, and the seg is already ShieldExpose'd. But when AMSBlacken is called from PoolBlacken from traceScanSegRes, the seg isn't exposed, nor does AMSBlacken expose it. We believed (see job000549) that it was not possible that AMSBlacken gets called, but somehow it does [1]. |
Analysis | We need to put in a ShieldExpose/Cover somewhere. |
How found | customer |
Evidence | [1] mail "AMSBlacken getting called and failing" |
Created by | David Lovemore |
Created on | 2014-06-18 15:36:19 |
Last modified by | David Lovemore |
Last modified on | 2014-06-18 15:38:01 |
History | 2014-06-18 DL Created |