This wiki article contains incomplete and informal notes about the MPS, the precursor to more formal documentation. Not confidential. Readership: MPS users and developers.
The Describe methods print out a datastructure for a human programmer to read. Often they need to use the class hierarchy and inheritance (see design/protocol for more on this). Here are some examples of how it works:
ArenaDescribe [arena.c] outputs generic stuff, then calls down to the bottom: (*arena->class->describe)(arena, stream); which then calls upwards... (except that no arena classes override the topmost Triv method yet) PoolDescribe [pool.c] outputs generic stuff, then calls down to the bottom: (*pool->class->describe)(pool, stream); which then calls upwards... (except that AMCDescribe doesn't, and AMSDescribe doesn't, presumably because they 'know' that the next method is PoolTrivDescribe which would say "No class-specific description available") SegDescribe [seg.c] outputs generic stuff, then calls down to the bottom: seg->class->describe(seg, stream); which then calls upwards: eg. in AMCSegDescribe [poolamc.c]: /* Describe the superclass fields first via next-method call */ super = SEG_SUPERCLASS(amcSegClass); res = super->describe(seg, stream); I see it now: the "SegDescribe" etc is like the generic function. But instead of merely doing the dispatching, and leaving all output to the appropriate class-hierarchy methods, it 'makes a start' by outputting the generic fields. I'm not sure this is quite the nicest, but that's how we do it at the moment. Here's a typical result of a single call to SegDescribe: Segment 03FD9480 [037D4000,037D5000) { class 0005D298 ("AMCSEG") pool 03FFE278 (7) shield depth 1 protection mode: shield mode: read write ranks: exact white 00000000000000000000000000000001 grey 00000000000000000000000000000001 nailed 00000000000000000000000000000001 buffer: NULL summary 00008400 AMC seg 03FD9480 [037D4000,037D5000){ Boarded Map 037D4000 *=============*========*========*================*=========*==== 037D4100 ======*=========*==*=============*==============*=========*===== 037D4200 =======*===*===========*==============*============*============ 037D4300 =*============*==============*===================*===========*== 037D4400 ===*===============*==============*===================*========= 037D4500 ==*===============*======*========*===========*==============*== 037D4600 ===============*=============*===============*================*= 037D4700 ====*==========*============*===============*=================== 037D4800 *=================*===========*===*============*==============*= 037D4900 ========*=====*==============*=============*==================== 037D4A00 *========*===============*=======*===========*==========*======= 037D4B00 ==========*========*==================*============*============ 037D4C00 ==*===============*===================*==================*====== 037D4D00 ======*==========*==============*=======*===============*======= 037D4E00 ========*=========*============*============*===*=====*========= 037D4F00 ====*=*=*========*====*===============*==============*===*=*==== } AMC Seg 03FD9480 } Segment 03FD9480
This article taken from email:∅.
2007-04-26 RHSK Created; in brief.
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