# -*- makefile -*- # # comm.gmk: COMMON GNUMAKEFILE FRAGMENT # # $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/mps/custom/cet/main/code/comm.gmk#18 $ # Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Ravenbrook Limited. See end of file for license. # # DESCRIPTION # # This makefile fragment is included in more specific makefiles for # platforms which use GNU make. # # PARAMETERS # # Assumes the following variables and definitions: # EXTRA_TARGETS a list of extra targets to build # CFLAGSCOMPILER a list of flags for all compilations # CFLAGSCOMPILERSTRICT a list of flags for almost all compilations # CFLAGSCOMPILERLAX a list of flags for compilations which can't be as # strict (e.g. because they have to include a third- # party header file that isn't -ansi -pedantic). # CFLAGSDEBUG a list of flags for compilations with maximum debug # information, and any optimization possible # CFLAGSOPT a list of flags for compilations with maximum # optimization, and any debug info possible # CC the command for the C compiler # LINKFLAGS a list of flags passed to the linker # ARFLAGSPFM platform-specific flags for ar # RANLIB the command to index a library (default: none needed) # gendep optionally defined to be a command sequence for # generating the dependency file (.d) from a C file (.c); # it is used in a rule of the form: # $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d: %.c # PFM platform code, e.g. "sus8gc" # LIBS extra libraries to include in tests (usually "-lm") # NOISY if defined and non-empty, causes commands to be emitted # MPMPF platform-dependent C sources for the "mpm" part # MPMS assembler sources for the "mpm" part (.s files) # # %%PART: When adding a new part, add a new parameter above for the # files included in the part. # # EDITING # # To add new targets, varieties, and parts: # Search for the string "%%TARGET", "%%VARIETY", or "%%PART" in this # makefile and follow the instructions. If you're adding a part, you'll # have to change the makefiles for all the platforms which use this # makefile to define the source list for that part, and the GNUmakefile # to include a recursive call to the name of that part. # # CHECK PARAMETERS # # Old versions of GNU make don't have the $(error) function, but lines # starting "error" cause it to exit with an error. [These only test to # see whether the symbol is defined. We could be more thorough and # test the syntax and content. -- richard 1995-09-07] ifndef CC error "comm.gmk: CC not defined" endif ifndef CFLAGSCOMPILER error "comm.gmk: CFLAGSCOMPILER not defined" endif ifndef CFLAGSDEBUG error "comm.gmk: CFLAGSDEBUG not defined" endif ifndef CFLAGSOPT error "comm.gmk: CFLAGSOPT not defined" endif # EXTRA TARGETS # # Don't build mpseventsql by default (might not have sqlite3 installed), # but do build mpseventcnv, mpseventpy and mpseventtxt. EXTRA_TARGETS ?= mpseventcnv mpseventpy mpseventtxt # # %%PART: When adding a new part, add checks for the parameter with the # sources for the new part. ifndef PFM error "comm.gmk: PFM not defined" endif ifndef MPMPF error "comm.gmk: MPMPF not defined" endif # DECLARATIONS ifdef NOISY ECHO = : else .SILENT: ECHO = echo endif .PHONY: phony # C FLAGS # These flags are included in all compilations. # Avoid using PFMDEFS in platform makefiles, as they prevent the MPS being # built with a simple command like "cc -c mps.c". CFLAGSCOMMONSTRICT = $(PFMDEFS) $(CFLAGSCOMPILER) $(CFLAGSCOMPILERSTRICT) CFLAGSCOMMONLAX = $(PFMDEFS) $(CFLAGSCOMPILER) $(CFLAGSCOMPILERLAX) # %%VARIETY: When adding a new variety, define a macro containing the set # of flags for the new variety. # These flags are added to compilations for the indicated variety. CFRASH = -DCONFIG_VAR_RASH $(CFLAGSOPT) CFHOT = -DCONFIG_VAR_HOT $(CFLAGSOPT) CFCOOL = -DCONFIG_VAR_COOL $(CFLAGSDEBUG) # Bind CFLAGSVARIETY to the appropriate set of flags for the variety. # %%VARIETY: When adding a new variety, add a test for the variety and # set CFLAGSVARIETY here. ifeq ($(VARIETY),rash) CFLAGSVARIETY=$(CFRASH) else ifeq ($(VARIETY),hot) CFLAGSVARIETY=$(CFHOT) else ifeq ($(VARIETY),cool) CFLAGSVARIETY=$(CFCOOL) else ifneq ($(VARIETY),) $(error Variety "$(VARIETY)" not recognized: must be rash/hot/cool) endif endif endif endif CFLAGSSTRICT=$(CFLAGSCOMMONSTRICT) $(CFLAGSVARIETY) $(CFLAGS) CFLAGSLAX=$(CFLAGSCOMMONLAX) $(CFLAGSVARIETY) $(CFLAGS) ARFLAGS=rc$(ARFLAGSPFM) # == Common definitions == # %%PART: When adding a new part, add it here, unless it's platform-specific # These values are defined here because they have no variation between # platforms. AMC = poolamc.c AMS = poolams.c AWL = poolawl.c LO = poollo.c SNC = poolsnc.c POOLN = pooln.c MV2 = poolmv2.c MVFF = poolmvff.c TESTLIB = testlib.c TESTTHR = testthrix.c FMTDY = fmtdy.c fmtno.c FMTDYTST = fmtdy.c fmtno.c fmtdytst.c FMTHETST = fmthe.c fmtdy.c fmtno.c fmtdytst.c FMTSCM = fmtscheme.c PLINTH = mpsliban.c mpsioan.c MPMCOMMON = \ abq.c \ arena.c \ arenacl.c \ arenavm.c \ arg.c \ boot.c \ bt.c \ buffer.c \ cbs.c \ dbgpool.c \ dbgpooli.c \ event.c \ failover.c \ format.c \ freelist.c \ global.c \ land.c \ ld.c \ locus.c \ message.c \ meter.c \ mpm.c \ mpsi.c \ nailboard.c \ policy.c \ pool.c \ poolabs.c \ poolmfs.c \ poolmrg.c \ protocol.c \ range.c \ rangetree.c \ ref.c \ ring.c \ root.c \ sa.c \ sac.c \ scan.c \ seg.c \ shield.c \ splay.c \ ss.c \ table.c \ trace.c \ traceanc.c \ tract.c \ tree.c \ version.c \ vm.c \ walk.c POOLS = $(AMC) $(AMS) $(AWL) $(LO) $(MV2) $(MVFF) $(SNC) MPM = $(MPMCOMMON) $(MPMPF) $(POOLS) $(PLINTH) # Custom CET extensions go here: MPM += mpsitr.c trans.c # These map the source file lists onto object files and dependency files # in the platform/variety directory. # # %%PART: When adding a new part, add a new macro which expands to the files # included in the part. ifdef VARIETY MPMOBJ = $(MPM:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) \ $(MPMS:%.s=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) FMTDYOBJ = $(FMTDY:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) FMTDYTSTOBJ = $(FMTDYTST:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) FMTHETSTOBJ = $(FMTHETST:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) FMTSCMOBJ = $(FMTSCM:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) PLINTHOBJ = $(PLINTH:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) POOLNOBJ = $(POOLN:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) TESTLIBOBJ = $(TESTLIB:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) TESTTHROBJ = $(TESTTHR:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o) endif # == Test cases == # # %%TARGET: When adding a new target, add it to one of the variables # in this section. Library components go in LIB_TARGETS. LIB_TARGETS=mps.a mpsplan.a # Test executables go in TEST_TARGETS. TEST_TARGETS=\ abqtest \ airtest \ amcss \ amcsshe \ amcssth \ amsss \ amssshe \ apss \ arenacv \ awlut \ awluthe \ awlutth \ btcv \ bttest \ djbench \ exposet0 \ expt825 \ finalcv \ finaltest \ forktest \ fotest \ gcbench \ landtest \ locbwcss \ lockcov \ lockut \ locusss \ locv \ messtest \ mpmss \ mpsicv \ mv2test \ nailboardtest \ poolncv \ qs \ sacss \ segsmss \ sncss \ steptest \ tagtest \ teletest \ walkt0 \ zcoll \ zmess # This target records programs that we were once able to build but # can't at the moment: UNBUILDABLE_TARGETS=\ replay # depends on the EPVM pool # Add tests for the custom CET build here: TEST_TARGETS += ztfm ALL_TARGETS=$(LIB_TARGETS) $(TEST_TARGETS) $(EXTRA_TARGETS) # == Pseudo-targets == all: $(ALL_TARGETS) # == Automated test suites == # # testrun = "smoke test", fast enough to run before every commit # testci = continuous integration tests, must be known good # testall = all test cases, for ensuring quality of a release # testansi = tests that run on the generic ("ANSI") platform # testpollnone = tests that run on the generic platform with CONFIG_POLL_NONE TEST_SUITES=testrun testci testall testansi testpollnone $(addprefix $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/,$(TEST_SUITES)): $(TEST_TARGETS) ../tool/testrun.sh -s "$(notdir $@)" "$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)" # == Automated performance testing == # # testratio = measure performance ratio of hot variety versus rash TESTRATIO_SEED = 1564912146 define ratio TIME_HOT=$$(/usr/bin/time -p $(PFM)/hot/$(1) -x $(TESTRATIO_SEED) $(2) 2>&1 | tail -2 | awk '{T += $$2} END {print T}'); \ TIME_RASH=$$(/usr/bin/time -p $(PFM)/rash/$(1) -x $(TESTRATIO_SEED) $(2) 2>&1 | tail -2 | awk '{T += $$2} END {print T}'); \ RATIO=$$(awk "BEGIN{print int(100 * $$TIME_HOT / $$TIME_RASH)}"); \ printf "Performance ratio (hot/rash) for $(2): %d%%\n" $$RATIO endef testratio: phony $(MAKE) -f $(PFM).gmk VARIETY=hot djbench gcbench $(MAKE) -f $(PFM).gmk VARIETY=rash djbench gcbench $(call ratio,gcbench,amc) $(call ratio,djbench,mvff) # == MMQA test suite == # # See test/README for documentation on running the MMQA test suite. MMQA=perl test/qa -p $(PFM) -v $(VARIETY) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/testmmqa: if [ "$(VARIETY)" = "cool" ]; then (cd ../test && $(MMQA) runset testsets/coolonly); fi (cd ../test && $(MMQA) runset testsets/argerr testsets/conerr testsets/passing) # == Toy Scheme interpreter == testscheme: phony $(MAKE) -C ../example/scheme test # These convenience targets allow one to type "make foo" to build target # foo in selected varieties (or none, for the latter rule). $(ALL_TARGETS) $(TEST_SUITES) testmmqa: phony ifdef VARIETY $(MAKE) -f $(PFM).gmk TARGET=$@ variety else $(MAKE) -f $(PFM).gmk TARGET=$@ target endif # "clean" removes the directory containing the build results for the # platform. clean: phony $(ECHO) "$(PFM): $@" rm -rf "$(PFM)" # "target" builds some varieties of the target named in the TARGET # macro. # # %%VARIETY: When adding a new target, optionally add a recursive make call # for the new variety, if it should be built by default. It probably # shouldn't without a product design decision and an update of the readme # and build manual! # # Note that we build VARIETY=cool before VARIETY=hot because # the former doesn't need to optimize and so detects errors more # quickly; and because the former uses file-at-a-time compilation and # so can pick up where it left off instead of having to start from the # beginning of mps.c ifdef TARGET ifndef VARIETY target: phony $(MAKE) -f $(PFM).gmk VARIETY=cool variety $(MAKE) -f $(PFM).gmk VARIETY=hot variety endif endif # "variety" builds the target named in the TARGET macro using the # variety named in the VARIETY macro. ifdef VARIETY ifdef TARGET variety: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/$(TARGET) endif endif # THE MPS LIBRARY # # The MPS library is built in two ways: # # 1. In the usual way, from a pile of object files compiled from their # corresponding sources. # # 2. From mps.c, which effectively concatenates all the sources, allowing # important global optimisation and inlining to occur. # # We mostly use the method (2), because it is fast to compile and execute. # But we use method (1) for some varieties to ensure correctness of # code (linkage errors are masked by (2)) and to maintain a correct list # of source files in case method (2) won't work on some future constrained # platform. # # %%VARIETY: When adding a new variety, add a rule for how to build the # MPS library for the variety. $(PFM)/rash/mps.a: $(PFM)/rash/mps.o $(PFM)/hot/mps.a: $(PFM)/hot/mps.o $(PFM)/cool/mps.a: $(MPMOBJ) # OTHER GENUINE TARGETS # # Each line defines an executable or library target to be built and the # object files it is built from. These lines add dependencies to the # generic rules below, and should not include commands to execute. # # %%TARGET: When adding a new target, add the dependencies for the new target # here. ifdef VARIETY $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/abqtest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/abqtest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/airtest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/airtest.o \ $(FMTSCMOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amcss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amcss.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amcsshe: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amcsshe.o \ $(FMTHETSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amcssth: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amcssth.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(TESTTHROBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amsss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amsss.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amssshe: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/amssshe.o \ $(FMTHETSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/apss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/apss.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/arenacv: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/arenacv.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/awlut: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/awlut.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(TESTTHROBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/awluthe: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/awluthe.o \ $(FMTHETSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(TESTTHROBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/awlutth: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/awlutth.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(TESTTHROBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/btcv: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/btcv.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/bttest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/bttest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/djbench: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/djbench.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(TESTTHROBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/exposet0: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/exposet0.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/expt825: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/expt825.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/finalcv: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/finalcv.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/finaltest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/finaltest.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/forktest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/forktest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/fotest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/fotest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/gcbench: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/gcbench.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(TESTTHROBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/landtest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/landtest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/locbwcss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/locbwcss.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/lockcov: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/lockcov.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/lockut: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/lockut.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(TESTTHROBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/locusss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/locusss.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/locv: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/locv.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/messtest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/messtest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpmss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpmss.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpsicv: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpsicv.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(FMTHETSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mv2test: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mv2test.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/nailboardtest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/nailboardtest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/poolncv: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/poolncv.o \ $(POOLNOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/qs: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/qs.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/sacss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/sacss.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/segsmss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/segsmss.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/sncss: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/sncss.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/steptest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/steptest.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/tagtest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/tagtest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/teletest: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/teletest.o \ $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/walkt0: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/walkt0.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/zcoll: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/zcoll.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/zmess: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/zmess.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/ztfm: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/ztfm.o \ $(FMTDYTSTOBJ) $(TESTLIBOBJ) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpseventcnv: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/eventcnv.o \ $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpseventpy: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/eventpy.o \ $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpseventtxt: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/eventtxt.o \ $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpseventsql: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/eventsql.o \ $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/replay: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/replay.o \ $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/eventrep.o \ $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/table.o \ $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.a $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpsplan.a: $(PLINTHOBJ) endif # GENERIC RULES # # These generate build output in the / directory. # Object files define run-cc-strict $(ECHO) "$(PFM): $@" mkdir -p $(PFM) mkdir -p $(PFM)/$(VARIETY) $(CC) $(CFLAGSSTRICT) -c -o $@ $< endef define run-cc-lax $(ECHO) "$(PFM): $@ - compiling with lax flags." mkdir -p $(PFM) mkdir -p $(PFM)/$(VARIETY) $(CC) $(CFLAGSLAX) -c -o $@ $< endef # .rule.c-to-o: $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o: %.c $(run-cc-strict) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/eventsql.o: eventsql.c $(run-cc-lax) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o: %.s $(run-cc-strict) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.o: %.S $(run-cc-strict) # Dependencies # # These are included into _this_ makefile (see below). GNU make does the # right thing as long as it knows how to make the dependency files before # including them. ifdef gendep $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d: %.c $(ECHO) "$(PFM): $@" mkdir -p $(PFM) mkdir -p $(PFM)/$(VARIETY) $(gendep) ifdef VARIETY ifdef TARGET # %%VARIETY: When adding a new variety, add the dependencies files for it # here. ifeq ($(VARIETY),rash) include $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.d else ifeq ($(VARIETY),hot) include $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mps.d else include $(MPM:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) endif # VARIETY != hot endif # VARIETY != rash # %%PART: When adding a new part, add the dependencies file for the # new part here. include \ $(FMTDY:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(FMTDYTST:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(FMTHETST:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(FMTSCM:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(PLINTH:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(POOLN:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(TESTLIB:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(TESTTHR:%.c=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(EXTRA_TARGETS:mps%=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) \ $(TEST_TARGETS:%=$(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.d) endif # !defined TARGET endif # !defined VARIETY endif # !defined gendep # Library ifndef RANLIB RANLIB = : endif $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%.a: $(ECHO) "$(PFM): $@" rm -f $@ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $^ $(RANLIB) $@ # Executable $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/%: $(ECHO) "$(PFM): $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGSSTRICT) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(PFM)/$(VARIETY)/mpseventsql: $(ECHO) "$(PFM): $@" $(CC) $(CFLAGSLAX) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) -lsqlite3 # Special targets for development # Currently FreeBSD 7 GCC 4.2.1 is the best platform we have for warning # us about strict aliasing rule violations caused by type puns. This # target reveals them, and produces an assembler output file that can be # examined to see if they're actually dangerous. RB 2012-09-07 find-puns: phony { echo '#include "mps.c"'; echo '#include "fmtdy.c"'; } | \ gcc -S -fverbose-asm -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -O3 -x c -o pun.s - # C. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE # # Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Ravenbrook Limited . # All rights reserved. This is an open source license. Contact # Ravenbrook for commercial licensing options. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on how # to obtain complete source code for this software and any accompanying # software that uses this software. The source code must either be # included in the distribution or be available for no more than the cost # of distribution plus a nominal fee, and must be freely redistributable # under reasonable conditions. For an executable file, complete source # code means the source code for all modules it contains. It does not # include source code for modules or files that typically accompany the # major components of the operating system on which the executable file # runs. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS # IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF # USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.